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Bonnie L. Christian

Bonnie L. Christian Bonnie L. Christian
   Bon­nie L. Chris­t­ian, 75, of Tom­a­hawk, passed away on Thurs­day, Feb. 2, 2023, at home under the care of her fam­ily and Com­pas­sus Hos­pice.
   Bon­nie was born Jan­u­ary 27, 1948, in West Bend, to the late Mar­vin and Marie (Mate­hial) Jack­lin. Bon­nie spent most of her time in the Iron Ridge area.
She was mar­ried to Bruce Chris­t­ian, Sr., on May 30, 1987. They moved to the Tom­a­hawk area in 1991. Bruce passed away in 2016. Bon­nie and Bruce for­merly owned and op­er­ated the Alamo Plaza Restau­rant in Tom­a­hawk for 16 years. She loved the time she spent at their house on the lake and was al­ways will­ing to lend a help­ing hand to her neigh­bors.
Bon­nie en­joyed trap shoot­ing, bags, pool, four-wheel­ing, snow­mo­bil­ing, and def­i­nitely had the gift to gab. She also liked telling sto­ries about her child­hood. Most of all, she loved spend­ing time with her chil­dren, grand­chil­dren, and great-grand­chil­dren.
Sur­vivors in­clude her chil­dren, Coz­ette Isom of Arkansas, Con­nie Pinkner of Hart­ford, John (Linda) Schultz of Bur­nett; Bruce (Mary) Chris­t­ian, Jr. of Hori­con, and Kelly (Den­nis) Mold­en­hauer of De­For­est. Bon­nie is fur­ther sur­vived by her grand­chil­dren, Jon­a­lyn Eglaclic, Stephanie (Re­nard) Bat­tle, Nathan (Julia) Schultz, Dylan Hanni, Spencer Hanni, Carter Pinkner, Alec (Heather) Schu­mann, and Pey­ton (Becca) Schu­mann; and her great-grand­chil­dren, Hailee Lehman, Har­low Bat­tle, RJ Bat­tle, Hadara Bat­tle, and Eli­jah Schultz. Bon­nie is fur­ther sur­vived by in-laws and friends.
She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Mar­vin and Marie Jack­lin; her hus­band, Bruce Chris­t­ian, Sr.; her brother, Mike Jack­lin; and her sis­ter, Judy Mumper.
Fu­neral Ser­vices for Bon­nie Chris­t­ian were held Mon­day, Feb. 6, at 11 a.m., at Gen­er­a­tions Fu­neral Home. Her fam­ily re­ceived friends for vis­i­ta­tion at the fu­neral home on Mon­day from 9 a.m. until the time of ser­vices at 11a.m. Rev. Larry Math­ein of­fi­ci­ated with pri­vate fam­ily in­ter­ment that took place.