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Lucinda (Cindy) Ann Kannenberg

Lucinda (Cindy) Ann Kannenberg Lucinda (Cindy) Ann Kannenberg

Lu­cinda (Cindy) Ann Kan­nen­berg (nee Dais) passed away qui­etly and un­ex­pect­edly on Sat­ur­day, Feb. 11, 2023, at the age of 61 at her home in Mayville.
Cindy was born to Arnold and Janette (nee Baer­wald) Dais on March 15, 1961, and be­came God’s child through bap­tism at Zum Krip­plein Christi Lutheran Church, Iron Ridge, on April 16 of that year. Cindy would con­firm her faith in her Sav­ior on May 4, 1975, at ZKC, where she oc­ca­sion­ally played organ and re­mained a faith­ful life-long mem­ber.
Cindy grad­u­ated from the Lutheran el­e­men­tary school at ZKC and at­tended high school at Win­nebago Lutheran Acad­emy in Fond du Lac.
On Au­gust 30, 1980, Cindy mar­ried Rus­sell Kan­nen­berg at ZKC. Russ and Cindy were blessed with two sons, Jason and Justin. Over the next 42 years, she worked a va­ri­ety of jobs out­side the home in­clud­ing po­si­tions in day­care, re­tail stores, restau­rants, and as of­fice man­ager at the fam­ily busi­ness, Ark Plas­tics. All this was in ad­di­tion to tak­ing care of their home and fam­ily and work­ing on the fam­ily farm, Wa­ter­fall Acres, in town Her­man.
Cindy en­joyed many hob­bies. She strived to main­tain a warm and invit­ing home; beau­ti­fully dec­o­rat­ing their home for every hol­i­day and sea­son. Cindy loved being out­side and con­tin­u­ally worked on the up­keep of her flow­ers and gar­den with an un­de­ni­able green thumb. Her beau­ti­ful gar­dens were en­joyed and ad­mired by all. Her gifts of wreaths, pic­ture frames and jew­elry showed how cre­ative she was. When younger, Cindy loved help­ing her mom, Janette, paint at Paradais Ce­ram­ics, Janette’s ce­ramic shop. She was look­ing for­ward to dec­o­rat­ing and land­scap­ing at their planned home to be built in north­ern Wis­con­sin.
Cindy’s fa­vorite ac­tiv­i­ties al­ways in­cluded her fam­ily. She en­joyed fam­ily trips to Door County, Wis­con­sin Dells, Devil’s Lake State Park, and Seven Mile Pinecrest near Eagle River. She en­joyed hik­ing, bik­ing, bowl­ing and game nights with the fam­ily.
Cindy loved her dogs, wild birds, chick­ens and barn cats, but her great­est joys were her fam­ily – Russ, Jason, Justin and his wife, Alex, and her two grand­sons, JJ (2) and Rus­sell (1). Cindy will be re­mem­bered for her will­ing­ness to share her time, tal­ents and help with any­one who asked; her love for the peo­ple in her life; and her un­end­ing stub­born­ness.
Cindy is sur­vived by her hus­band, Russ; chil­dren, Jason and Justin (Alex); and grand­chil­dren, Justin James (J.J.) and Rus­sell (Rooster); her broth­ers, John (Deb­bie) Dais and Jim Dais; and sis­ter, Mar­i­lyn (Joel) Al­brecht. She is fur­ther sur­vived by in-laws, Rick (Lonna) Kan­nen­berg, Ron (Doreen) Kan­nen­berg and Kathy (Brad) Bur­nett, as well as aunts, un­cles, and many nieces, nephews and friends.
Pre­ced­ing her in death were her par­ents, Arnold and Janette Dais; par­ents-in law, Wilmer and Janet Kan­nen­berg; and niece, Amanda.
Fu­neral ser­vices for Cindy were held on Fri­day, Feb. 17, at 3 p.m. at Trin­ity Lutheran Church, County Rd. S, Hart­ford, with Pas­tor Jef­fery Drake pre­sid­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion was at church on Fri­day, Feb. 17, from 12 p.m. until the time of ser­vice at 3 p.m.
Memo­ri­als in Cindy’s honor can be given to Trin­ity Lutheran Church and/or Trin­ity Com­mu­nity Cen­ter, Win­nebago Lutheran Acad­emy or a char­ity of your choice.
Spe­cial thanks to Pas­tor Jef­frey Drake and Trin­ity, the Ladies Aid group for their hos­pi­tal­ity with the meal, and Koepsell Fu­neral Home for their ser­vice and friend­ship.
Cindy’s con­fir­ma­tion verse seems a fit­ting mes­sage for us who will miss her so much-
“…For he hath said, ‘never will I leave thee nor for­sake thee’.” (He­brews 13:5, KJV)
The Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
