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Mark Alan Kuhlman

Mark Alan Kuhlman Mark Alan Kuhlman

Mark Alan Kuhlman, 55, passed away Sep­tem­ber 17, 2024, after his 10-year coura­geous bat­tle with melanoma skin can­cer.
He was born Jan­u­ary 15, 1969, at Waupun Hos­pi­tal to Roy and Thirza (Tillema) Kuhlman.
Mark was born to be a farmer. From a young age, he helped his par­ents on the farm out­side of Hori­con. When he was about to enter kinder­garten, his Grandpa Kuhlman had to pay him to go to school be­cause he didn’t want to miss what was hap­pen­ing on the farm.
While he was in high school, he was in FFA and worked for Larry Pautz. After grad­u­at­ing Hori­con High School, he worked for Floyd Meinke while also help­ing on the fam­ily farm. Along with his fa­ther and mother, they built a suc­cess­ful dairy and grain farm.
On April 5, 2014, Mark met the love of his life, Stephanie Frei (the same day he was di­ag­nosed with can­cer). They were mar­ried dur­ing a bliz­zard on De­cem­ber 17, 2016. To­gether, they grew the Kuhlman fam­ily farm to what it is today.
While Mark was not one to join groups, he did like to sup­port things he be­lieved in. He con­tin­ued to sup­port the Dodge County Dairy Pro­mo­tion Com­mit­tee that his par­ents helped es­tab­lish, and in 2022 he and Stephanie hosted the Dodge County Dairy Brunch.
In 2023, he do­nated The Great Wall (grain bin en­trap­ment res­cue tool) to the Hori­con Fire De­part­ment.
Mark en­joyed going out to eat and host­ing friends for reg­u­lar Pack­ers par­ties. He val­ued all the friend­ships he made over the years, but es­pe­cially long-time friends Bill Haase, Fred Feucht, John Kraus, Den­nis Roskopf, Jeff Shaus, Rick But­ler, Todd Smith, and long-time friend and em­ployee, Ron Billings.
Mark was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Roy and Thirza; his sis­ter, San­dra Kuhlman; grand­par­ents, Clarence and Bar­bara Kuhlman, Jess and Mary Alice Tillema; un­cles, George Tillema, Ross Tillema, Ray Kuhlman; and his aunt, Shirley Rein­hardt.
He is sur­vived by his wife, Stephanie; his sis­ters, Laura (Bryan) Schmude, Linda Kuhlman, and Amy Kuhlman; step-sons, Mer­rick and Cody Frei; nephew, Zack (Dana) Schmude; niece, Ste­fanie Schmude; and great-nephews, Mason and Liam Schmude. Mark is fur­ther sur­vived by many other rel­a­tives and dear friends.
Fu­neral Ser­vices for Mark were held on Tues­day, Sept. 24, at Em­manuel United Methodist Church in Hori­con with Rev. Renae Dy­mond of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion for Mark took place on Mon­day, Sept. 23, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam and again on Tues­day Sept. 24, from 9 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 11 a.m. In­ter­ment took place at the Low­ell Cemtery in Low­ell.
In lieu of flow­ers, do­na­tions can be made to the Dodge County Dairy Pro­mo­tion Com­mit­tee, SSM Health Can­cer Care in Fond du Lac, or the Juneau United Methodist Church.
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
