02 October 2024






Fall Waterfowl Hunt on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage

Fall Waterfowl Hunt on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage

AN OUTDOORSMAN’S JOURNAL Fall Waterfowl Hunt on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage MARK WALTERS COLUMNIST Hello friends, This week’s column is going to go a mile a minute as there is a ton to write about. I generally hunt the northern Wisconsin duck opener on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage. I missed it due to the fact that my nephew, Trent Schuster, happened to get married to a very nice lady




01 October 2024


Bette Jayne Nelson

Bette Jayne Nelson

   Bette Jayne Nel­son, 69, of Camp­bell­sport passed away com­fort­ably in her sleep on Sun­day, Sept. 22, 2024, at The Kathy Hos­pice in West Bend fol­low­ing a two-and-a-half year bat­tle with can­cer.   She was born in Mil­wau­kee, to Dar­rel Irwin Conaway and Nona Al­berta (nee Guerin) Conaway.   She was mar­ried to the love of her life, Jef­frey Thomas Nel­son on July 18, 1987, in Mc­Carty Park, West Allis.   Bette was a lov­ing Wife, Mother, and Grand­mother. She en­joyed cross­word puz­zles and word games, craft­ing pro­jects, and played a mean game of crib­bage. Pos­sessed of a sharply sar­cas­tic tongue, she was fiercely witty and in­tel­li­gent, as well as quick with a joke. Bette had a keen un­der­stand­ing and love of lan­guage which she al­ways strove to share with oth­ers.   Bette worked for the Wis­con­sin Dyslexia In­sti­tute and was a ded­i­cated teacher for many years. She briefly served as the Di­rec­tor and after step­ping down from that role, she pri­vately tu­tored stu­dents until her re­tire­ment in 2006.   She leaves be­hind many who will cher­ish her mem­ory, in­clud­ing her son, Christo­pher Nel­son and daugh­ter, Danielle Mader; grand­chil­dren, Jacob Mader, Ryan Mader, Olivia Mader and Ben Mader; broth­ers, Brian (Mary) Conaway and Bart (Mary) Conaway; her sis­ter-in-law and long­time friend, Linda Gay­hart; broth­ers-in-law, Kevin Nel­son, Rob (Sue) Nel­son, Eric (MaryLu) Nel­son, and Kurt (April) Nel­son; Bette was very close with her sis­ter Bar­bara's chil­dren, Mike (Cheryl) Freisleben, Kelly (Craig) Wolfe, Joe (Gina) Freisleben; as well as many more nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews and close friends and ex­tended fam­ily. In ad­di­tion to her human fam­ily, she also leaves be­hind two very dis­traught cats, Larry and Moe, who al­ready miss her dearly.   Bette was pre­ceded in death by her lov­ing hus­band, Jef­frey Nel­son; her par­ents; sis­ters, Bon­nie and Bar­bara; brother, Blake; brother-in-law, Terry Wom­ack; sis­ter-in-law, Deb­bie Nel­son; and niece, Nicole As­selin.   A cel­e­bra­tion of Bette's life will be held on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 5, in West Bend. Please con­tact the fam­ily for more de­tails.   Twohig Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
25 September 2024


Kettle Moraine Angels  Donate to Campbellsport and  Kewaskum School Districts

Kettle Moraine Angels Donate to Campbellsport and Kewaskum School Districts

Kettle Moraine Angels Donate to Campbellsport and Kewaskum School Districts CLARICE CASE EDITOR On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the Kettle Moraine Angels, a local non-profit, delivered $720 dollars worth of gift cards to St. Vincent de Paul of Washington County stores, split between the Campbellsport and Kewaskum School Districts, and “$250 dollars to cover lunches at each district, with Farmington