25 September 2024





CommunityCALENDAR (We welcome submissions to the Community Calendar by emailing Clarice Case, editor, at ccase@mmclocal.com . Deadline for each Thursday edition, with the exception for holidays, is on Monday at 2 p.m.) Recurring events: • Every Monday & Wednesday — Washington County Clean Sweep Household Hazardous Waste Collection at Veolia Environmental Services, W124N9451 Boundary




KHS FOOTBALL from page 1 During the fourth quarter, Kewaskum’s defense worked hard at keeping Watertown from scoring. The clock was ticking down and it looked like the Indians were going to hold their four-point lead to the end. Watertown seemed to be running down the clock but not making much progress down the field. With 35 seconds left in the game, the opponent’s quarterback threw the




18 September 2024


Campbellsport Loses Flyway Feud  in Mayville on Friday the 13th

Campbellsport Loses Flyway Feud in Mayville on Friday the 13th

Campbellsport Loses Flyway Feud in Mayville on Friday the 13th CLARICE CASE EDITOR In a “nail biter” Game of the Week, the Mayville Cardinals (2-0, 4-0) would turn the tables on the Campbellsport Cougars (1-1, 3-1) in the second half, after a scoreless first half for the home team, and win the game 15-9. The kickoff went about as well as it could for the Cougars because Luke Pendowski



A Time for Gratitude and Heartfelt Change

A Time for Gratitude and Heartfelt Change

A Time for Gratitude and Heartfelt Change The Bridget Center of Kewaskum Plans to Host a Fundraiser to Support Expansion BREANNA RICE JOURNALIST The Bridget Center of Kewaskum will be hosting a fall equinox fundraising event on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 2-7 p.m., to help support their plans to build a nourishing, retreat center and community space. “Many are creating this community


An Unusual Story That Might Possibly Be True

An Unusual Story That Might Possibly Be True

| PUBLISHER LETTERS | An Unusual Story That Might Possibly Be True Dear Reader, One summer day, my cousin Patrice texted me to say that Charles Gallagher, my third cousin, had passed away. She mentioned that a celebration of life would take place the following month, and she hoped I could join with some family members to honor him. Naturally, I thought of my brothers and sisters, who were