28 August 2024


Activities Abound In The Kettle Moraine

Activities Abound In The Kettle Moraine

Activities Abound In The Kettle Moraine The Kettle Moraine State Forest is a beautiful place to visit and the fall and winter seasons are no exception. It has so many activities for everyone. You can start out in the fall months with a hike through the many trails in the forest. As the temperatures start to go down, the colors in the forest really come out. A hike through the trails will


Special Interest Areas In The Kettle Moraine

Special Interest Areas In The Kettle Moraine

Special Interest Areas In The Kettle Moraine The Kettle Moraine State Forest has a lot to offer in its almost 30,000 acres. Approximately 800,000 people visit the forest each year. The forest can thank the glaciers for its unique characteristics. Wisconsin lent its name to the most recent series of glacial advances and retreats: the Wisconsin Glaciation that lasted from about 100,000 to 10,000




LAKES OF THE KETTLE MORAINE The Kettle Moraine State Forest-Northern Unit has more than one dozen lakes and ponds; mostly kettles, but also two impoundments of the Milwaukee River. The eight lakes listed below range in size from 477 acres (Long Lake) to less than seven acres, accounting for a total of 786 acres. A state park vehicle admission sticker is required at some boat landings.


Friends Of  The Kettle Moraine

Friends Of The Kettle Moraine

Friends Of The Kettle Moraine The Friends of the Kettle Moraine is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a greater appreciation and enhancement of the Kettle Moraine State Forest-Northern Unit. The group was created in the mid 1980s to inform and educate the public. The general goal was to develop a greater appreciation and environmental awareness of Wisconsin natural resources.




BENCHES from page 1 “Jake got involved with our (Milwaukee) River project by showing up for Spring River Clean Up years ago and he has helped in many ways. He has helped with running water quality testing, Hope’s Landing maintenance (on Riverview) and advocating for the river to our Village Board,” stated Kober. “He is passionate about water quality and appreciating the river.”


For The Horseriders

For The Horseriders

For The Horseriders The Northern Kettle Moraine Horse Trail Association (NKMHTA) was established in 2003 to provide area equestrians an opportunity to make an impact working with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources preserving, improving, and developing equestrian facilities in the Northern Kettle Moraine State Forest. The Northern Kettle Moraine State Forest is dedicated to serving




GARDEN from page 1 away will be helpful to get more water and oxygen to the tree’s roots. This new “soil” was shoveled up and moved to the garden to be used as the base to put the plantings in. Lastly, they brought new mulch for the trees from the pile across the road. The plantings will probably be happening in spring, but with the enthusiasm they are encountering, it could be sooner.


Kettle Moraine State Forest –  Northern Unit Upcoming Public Programs

Kettle Moraine State Forest – Northern Unit Upcoming Public Programs

Kettle Moraine State Forest – Northern Unit Upcoming Public Programs Monday, September 9 & October 14 – Trail Stewardship Day, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Help rangers clear woody vegetation along the mountain bike trails to maintain the system and improve user experience! Activities will include brush cutting and hauling; no experience is necessary. We recommend bringing water, lunch, bug repellent,




SPECIAL INTEREST from page 10 birch, American elm, black ash, and basswood lowland forest. East of the small lowland forest is a more dense conifer swamp of mainly white cedar but also tamarack and black spruce. A good representative understory is present. A small bog lake occurs in the eastern portion of the natural area. Milwaukee River and Swamp is owned by the DNR and was designated
26 August 2024


Iris A. Miller

Iris A. Miller

  Iris A. Miller (nee Van De Zande), orig­i­nally of Camp­bell­sport, passed away on Au­gust 15, 2024 at New­cas­tle Place, Mequon.   Iris was the beloved wife of Wm. E. “Bill” Miller. She is fur­ther sur­vived by step-chil­dren, step-grand­chil­dren, nieces, a nephew, great-nieces and nephews, cousins, and other rel­a­tives and friends. Please see Schmidt & Bartelt Fu­neral Home-Mequon @ www.​sch​midt​andb​arte​lt.​com for com­plete obit­u­ary 262-241-8085