30 July 2024


Louise Emily (Hodel) Burg

Louise Emily (Hodel) Burg

   Louise Emily (Hodel) Burg, 81, of St. Kil­ian, went to be with Jesus on July 26, 2024, after a beau­ti­fully lived life.   She was born No­vem­ber 28, 1942, the daugh­ter of Carl and Clara (Am­me­ter) Hodel.   Louise and her hus­band, Robert “Bob”, be­came united in mar­riage on No­vem­ber 28, 1964, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Menomonee Falls. For many years they lived in the St. Lawrence area and then moved to St. Kil­ian. Both con­tin­ued to walk in their faith and be­came mem­bers of St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Camp­bell­sport.   To­gether Bob and Louise en­joyed spend­ing their nearly 60 years to­gether gar­den­ing, spend­ing time out­side and at­tend­ing an­tique trac­tor shows.   Louise was in­cred­i­bly proud of and leaves be­hind her hus­band, Bob; two daugh­ters, Linda (Robert) Prokopow­icz and Roberta (John) Kuech­ler; and two grand­chil­dren, Jes­sica Saun­ders and Megan (Jacob) Hei­d­ner. Louise trea­sured her five great-grand­chil­dren and was al­ways look­ing for­ward to fam­ily gath­er­ings and bak­ing treats to share. She is also sur­vived by other rel­a­tives and many friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Carl and Clara; her broth­ers, Carl and Wally; and her sis­ters, Helen and Eleanor.   Louise will al­ways be re­mem­bered for her de­vo­tion and af­fec­tion to her fam­ily, her hard work and in­cred­i­ble smile. We will miss her dearly.   Per Louise’s wishes, a pri­vate fam­ily cel­e­bra­tion of life will be held at a later date.   Twohig Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com


Marilyn Janet Uelmen

Marilyn Janet Uelmen

   Mar­i­lyn Janet Uel­men, 95, passed away on July 28, 2024, at Gables On The Pond Ran­dom Lake, where she had been a res­i­dent for the last three years.   She was born on April 7, 1929, to Richard and Pearl (Ro­maine) Trapp of New Prospect. Mar­i­lyn grad­u­ated from Camp­bell­sport High School in 1946. She grad­u­ated from UW-White­wa­ter in 1950 with a Bach­e­lor or Ed­u­ca­tion de­gree.    On No­vem­ber 4, 1950, Mar­i­lyn mar­ried Daniel Peter Uel­men in Camp­bell­sport, who pre­ceded her in death on Au­gust 4, 2019.   She taught at Glen­bu­lah and Ran­dom Lake High Schools until 1956, when she and Dan pur­chased Ran­dom Lake Oil Com­pany. To­gether they op­er­ated the busi­ness until their re­tire­ment in 1991.   Mar­i­lyn was a mem­ber of St. John’s UCC in Ran­dom Lake. She was also mem­ber of the Hamm-Miller-Diedrich Le­gion Aux­il­iary.    Mar­i­lyn is sur­vived by her daugh­ter, Rachel (Russ) Miller of Beech­wood; son, Daniel (Sherri) of Ran­dom Lake; grand­son, Daniel Uel­men of Ran­dom Lake; grand­daugh­ters, Robyn (Eric) Hat­ton of Toledo, OH, and Saman­tha Uel­men (spe­cial friend Je­remy In­galls) of Verona, NJ ;and great-grand­son Car­son, Uel­men of Ran­dom Lake. She is fur­ther sur­vived by her brother-in-law, Dou­glas (Eve­lyn) Uel­men of Green Bay; and sis­ter-in-law, Diane Feiten of Colby; along with nieces and nephews.   Along with her par­ents and hus­band, she was pre­ceded in death by her sis­ter, Vir­ginia Trapp; brother, Ger­ald Jan­dre; broth­ers-in-law and sis­ters-in-law, David and Pa­tri­cia Uel­men, Daisy and William Carey, Don­ald and Ann Uel­men, brother-in-law, James Feiten; and grand­son, Rus­sell Miller Jr.    Per Mar­i­lyn’s re­quest, there will be no fu­neral or vis­i­ta­tion. Fol­low­ing cre­ma­tion, a pri­vate grave­side ser­vice will take place at the New Prospect ceme­tery.   The fam­ily wishes to thank the staff at Gables On The Pond Ran­dom Lake and Lily Hos­pice for the won­der­ful care they pro­vided to Mar­i­lyn.
29 July 2024


Craig William Narges

Craig William Narges

   Craig William Narges, 73, of the Town of Eden went to his heavenly home on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at St., Francis Home with his family gathered with him.   He was born in Fond du Lac on March 10, 1951, the son of Harold and Jeanette (nee Bremser) Narges.   Craig was a graduate of St. Lawrence Seminary and University of Wisconsin–Madison.   He farmed on the family farm with his brother, Joel. Craig was a dedicated and responsible farmer, always there when needed.   He was a member of Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church. Craig had a very strong Catholic faith wearing out many rosaries. He loved watching all sports and was a true Bucky Badger, following and watching the Badgers in all sports. Craig also enjoyed watching golf, both on television and attending various golf tournaments.   Those left behind to cherish Craig’s memory include his siblings, Mary (Jim) McCready, Sue (Tom) Peters, and Joel (Nancy) Narges, the family matriarch his aunt, Phyllis Narges. He is further survived by his beloved nieces and nephews, Melissa (Paul) Cochran, Michael (Melissa) McCready, Heather (Sam) Peters-Scola, Nicole (Chad) Beisbier, Jill (Jordan) Ehlen, Amy (Alec) Kumrow, and Brian (special friend Christine Evans) Narges; many great-nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, and friends.   Craig was preceded in death by his parents, Harold and Jeanette; his nephew, Seamus McCready; and niece, Bridget McCready.   Visitation was held Tuesday, July 30, from 9:30 a.m. until time of Mass at Shepherd of the Hills Church, W1562 County Road B, Eden.   A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial followed on the 30th at 11 a.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Church with Rev. Mark Jones officiating. Burial followed in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Eden.   The family extends a special thank you to the nurses and staff of St. Francis Home and SSM Health at Home Hospice.   Memorials may be directed to St. Lawrence Seminary, Shepherd of the Hills Church, or the charity of your choice.   Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfuneral.
24 July 2024









| RURAL WRITES | G.A. SCHEINOHA CONTRIBUTOR Witnessed a minor tragedy earlier this summer. Then again, might’ve been major. I’d fled the house on an afternoon when the sun blazed Serengeti hot. Leastwise for these parts. Just a mere 81 degrees inside, even with a ceiling fan and breeze box going full force. Okay, so I kinda wimped out. Sought the Artic refuge of a compact car with
