29 July 2024


David L. Knueppel

David L. Knueppel

   David L. Knueppel, 64, of Brownsville, passed away peacefully on Friday, July 26, 2024, at the SSM Hospice Home of Hope in Fond du Lac.   David was born the son of Elmer and Genevieve (Enfelt) Knueppel on August 4, 1959, in Waupun.   He had worked for Knowles Produce and AlliedBarton Security for Michels Corporation.   In his spare time, David enjoyed the outdoors, especially while hunting and fishing. He also liked to put together models and have cookouts on his grill.   David was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Brownsville.   David is survived by his sisters, Donna Harlan of Brownsville, Laura (Roger) Burmeister of Seymour, and Jean Werner of Rhinelander; further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.    He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Pat Bouzek; and brothers-in-law, Bob Harlan, George Bouzek, and Art Reinhart.    A funeral service for David will take place on Thursday, August 1, at 11 a.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Brownsville with the Rev. William Carter officiating. A visitation will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. at the church. Interment will take place at the St. John’s Cemetery in Brownsville.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com


Craig William Narges

Craig William Narges

   Craig William Narges, 73, of the Town of Eden went to his heavenly home on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at St., Francis Home with his family gathered with him.   He was born in Fond du Lac on March 10, 1951, the son of Harold and Jeanette (nee Bremser) Narges.   Craig was a graduate of St. Lawrence Seminary and University of Wisconsin–Madison.   He farmed on the family farm with his brother, Joel. Craig was a dedicated and responsible farmer, always there when needed.   He was a member of Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Church. Craig had a very strong Catholic faith wearing out many rosaries. He loved watching all sports and was a true Bucky Badger, following and watching the Badgers in all sports. Craig also enjoyed watching golf, both on television and attending various golf tournaments.   Those left behind to cherish Craig’s memory include his siblings, Mary (Jim) McCready, Sue (Tom) Peters, and Joel (Nancy) Narges, the family matriarch his aunt, Phyllis Narges. He is further survived by his beloved nieces and nephews, Melissa (Paul) Cochran, Michael (Melissa) McCready, Heather (Sam) Peters-Scola, Nicole (Chad) Beisbier, Jill (Jordan) Ehlen, Amy (Alec) Kumrow, and Brian (special friend Christine Evans) Narges; many great-nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, and friends.   Craig was preceded in death by his parents, Harold and Jeanette; his nephew, Seamus McCready; and niece, Bridget McCready.   Visitation was held Tuesday, July 30, from 9:30 a.m. until time of Mass at Shepherd of the Hills Church, W1562 County Road B, Eden.   A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial followed on the 30th at 11 a.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Church with Rev. Mark Jones officiating. Burial followed in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Eden.   The family extends a special thank you to the nurses and staff of St. Francis Home and SSM Health at Home Hospice.   Memorials may be directed to St. Lawrence Seminary, Shepherd of the Hills Church, or the charity of your choice.   Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfuneral.
23 July 2024


Duane Ketter

Duane Ketter

   Duane Ket­ter, 81, of Kekos­kee passed away sud­denly at home on July 21, 2024.   Duane was born on June 23, 1943, in Camp­bell­sport to Henry and Elsie Ket­ter. He at­tended Camp­bell­sport High School and grad­u­ated in 1961. Duane en­listed in the United States Army on July 4, 1964, and served until June 21, 1966, and he was sta­tioned in Fulda, Ger­many. Duane was a mem­ber of the Kekos­kee Fire De­part­ment for many years.   Duane worked for the De­part­ment of Nat­ural Re­sources as a Wildlife Tech­ni­cian from 1964 and re­tired at 60 years old in 2003. Duane met Mar­garet “Peggy” Weasler at a wed­ding and the cou­ple was mar­ried on Jan­u­ary 25, 1969, in Camp­bell­sport. Duane and Peggy were blessed with two sons, Rob and Mark.   Duane con­tin­ued his love of na­ture and con­tin­ued to work with the Fed­eral Wildlife Refuge in Hori­con from 2004 to 2021. The past few years, you could find Duane in the gar­den, in his work­shop mak­ing “any­thing” you wanted, or watch­ing a Cubs game and hav­ing a beer in the shop. He was a cross­word puz­zle lover, and went on walks with Peggy at the marsh. Duane was an avid hunter, and loved his dogs. In the early years, he pheas­ant hunted with his dogs and sons. Duane en­joyed turkey hunt­ing, and ap­pre­ci­ated the hunt more than the turkey.   Duane al­ways found time to at­tend his grand­sons sport­ing events and ac­tiv­i­ties. He was very proud of their ac­com­plish­ments. Duane was known to talk his grand­sons and other fam­ily into card and dice games when they would visit.   Those Duane leaves be­hind to cher­ish his mem­ory in­clude his wife of 55 years, Peggy; two sons, Robert (An­gela) Ket­ter and their sons, Jake and Kyle and bonus grand­daugh­ter, Mara, all of Oshkosh; Mark (Can­dice) Ket­ter and their sons, Blake and Bran­don (fiancée Olivia) all of Juneau; and spe­cial fam­ily friend, Emily Schae­fer. He is fur­ther sur­vived by sis­ters-in-law, Rose Ket­ter and Alice Ket­ter, both of Camp­bell­sport, Dar­lene Otte of Fond du Lac, Vir­ginia Kum­row of Adell, Bar­bara Eich­steadt of Bruce; and brother-in-law, Oran Weasler of North Fond du Lac; as well as nu­mer­ous nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and many friends.   In ad­di­tion to his par­ents, Duane was pre­ceded in death by his six broth­ers, Irwin, Elton, Elwyn, Henry, Loren, and Wal­ter; and sis­ter, Joan.   VIS­I­TA­TION: Duane’s fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends on Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 3, from Noon until 2:30 p.m. at Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice – 15 S Wal­nut St. – Mayville, WI 53050. (Ca­sual dress is pre­ferred.)   A con­tin­ued cel­e­bra­tion of Duane’s life for fam­ily and close friends will be on Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 3, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Kekos­kee Vil­lage Hall (W3275 County Rd TW, Mayville, WI 53050).        Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Duane’s arrange­ments. For ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion or to leave an on­line con­do­lence on the trib­ute wall, please visit www.​myrhum-​patten.​com.


Christina Jean Weddig

Christina Jean Weddig

   Christina Jean Wed­dig passed away on July 16, 2024, after the sud­den es­ca­la­tion of a long ill­ness.   She was born on De­cem­ber 17, 1971, to Carol (nee Minz) and Ken­neth Wed­dig of Ke­waskum.    Tina was a lov­ing daugh­ter, sis­ter and aunt. Her time work­ing at the Boys & Girls Club in­spired her to be­come a ded­i­cated and tire­less ed­u­ca­tor, teach­ing at South Doyle Mid­dle School, as well as Green Mag­net and Beau­mont Mag­net Acad­e­mies in Knoxville, TN.    Tina was de­voted to her pets, Cop­per and Smokey. She took plea­sure in spoil­ing her nieces and nephews Is­rael, Se­bas­t­ian, Ruby and Eleanor. Tina was a care­giver at heart, al­ways a com­mit­ted voice of rea­son for her fam­ily and friends. A life­long Green Bay Packer fan, Tina spent her free time ad­ven­tur­ing and tak­ing beau­ti­ful pho­tographs, most often in the Smoky Moun­tains. She sought out wa­ter­falls, black bears, birds, but­ter­flies and wild­flow­ers.   Tina is sur­vived in death by her par­ents, Ken­neth and Carol Wed­dig; sib­lings, Greg (Nicole) and Christo­pher (Melissa) and Gretchen; nephew, Is­rael (Michael), and nieces, Ruby and Eleanor.   “Only worry about the things you can do some­thing about.”   A Cel­e­bra­tion of Tina’s Life will be planned for both Ten­nessee and Wis­con­sin at a fu­ture date to be an­nounced on Face­book. Memo­ri­als may be made in Tina’s mem­ory to Friends of The Smok­ies, P. O. Box 1660, Kodak, TN 37764.   Arrange­ments by Cre­ma­tion Op­tions, Inc. (865)6WE-CARE (693-2273) www.​cre​mati​onop​tion​sinc.​com.


Robert “Bob” Edwin Sette

Robert “Bob” Edwin Sette

 Robert “Bob” Edwin Sette, 75, of Juneau, passed away on July 19, 2024 after a coura­geous 2-year bat­tle with can­cer.    He was born on Oc­to­ber 24, 1948, in Hus­tis­ford, to Edwin and Lil­lian (Pautz) Sette. Robert grad­u­ated from Juneau High School in 1966 and re­ceived his bach­e­lor’s de­gree from UW-Madi­son in 1970, where he was a mem­ber of the Alpha Gamma Rho fra­ter­nity.    In his youth, Robert was an ac­tive mem­ber of FFA and ded­i­cated his ca­reer to the agri­cul­ture in­dus­try. He took over man­age­ment of the fam­ily dairy farm, then worked at the Ree­seville Agri-Cen­ter, and re­tired from Knowles Pro­duce and Trad­ing Com­pany.   Robert was a life­long mem­ber of St. John’s Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church in Juneau, ded­i­cat­ing his time to as­sist with ush­er­ing, audio/vi­sual, and trea­sury ser­vices. Robert en­joyed going to an­tique trac­tor shows, play­ing crib­bage, lis­ten­ing to 50s/60s music and watch­ing TV shows, such as NCIS and Blue Bloods. He found great joy in his grand­kids, es­pe­cially help­ing with their an­i­mals and 4-H pro­jects. As a true Wis­con­si­nite, he would cheer on the Green Bay Pack­ers and Bad­ger foot­ball teams.   Robert is sur­vived by his daugh­ters, Melissa Lake, Amy (Ryan) Baumeis­ter, and Gina (Ryan) Wit­tnebel; grand­chil­dren, Rose, Cas­sidy, Car­men, Adam, Olivia, Mason and Carly; sib­lings, Rus­sell (Pa­tri­cia) Sette, Linda (Glen) Pret­zer, and Bar­bara (Ron) Smits. He is fur­ther sur­vived by step-grand­chil­dren, step­great-grand­chil­dren, an uncle, nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.    He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; son-in-law, Joseph Lake; and for­mer wife, Rose­mary Schulz.   Vis­i­ta­tion is Sun­day, July 28, from 3 to 6 p.m. at St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Juneau and Mon­day, July 29, from 10 to 11am. Fu­neral ser­vice will fol­low at 11 a.m. at church. In­ter­ment will be in Juneau City Ceme­tery.   The fam­ily would like to thank UW-Health, Wa­ter­town Re­gional Med­ical Cen­ter, Hill­side Hos­pice, and Epic Care So­lu­tions staff for the care they pro­vided Robert.   The Berndt-Ledesma Fu­neral Home-Juneau is serv­ing the fam­ily.


Geri T. Feucht

Geri T. Feucht

   Geri T. Feucht, 69, of Mayville, passed away on July 16, 2024, after a long battle with cancer. Cancer did not win the battle, but it did kill her.   Geri was born on November 11, 1954, in Beaver Dam, the daughter of Alex and Vernie (nee Pionkowski) Feucht. She was raised in Mayville and graduated from Mayville High School in 1973. She eventually earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and finally a master’s degree in library and information science at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.    She married Tim Bachhuber in 2004 and considered herself an amazingly lucky woman.   Geri worked in several libraries over the years and her favorite job was at Horicon Public Library in Horicon. Her favorite volunteer opportunities were with the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin (transporting corneas), the Friends of Mayville Public Library and the Marais Players of Mayville.   Geri believed passionately in the importance of reading and the value of public libraries in the quality of people’s lives. She believed that strongly funded, well-managed libraries are essential to a true democracy, and that you can judge a community by the quality of its libraries. Geri helped create the Friends of the Library organization for the Mayville library in 2014. She served on the Mayville Public Library board of directors for the past seven years.    Geri will be remembered for her sharp wit, brilliant mind, and her incredible memory for details. She had a love of antiques, good movies, theater, the symphony, musicals, and music in general. Geri and Tim met and acted in the Marias Players for years. Early in their married years, Tim and Geri would often fly to New York for a Broadway play weekend. She had a sense of adventure and love of travel. Their most memorable trips were to Italy, Egypt, France and Germany, and western national parks. Geri was an ardent democrat.   Geri is survived by her husband, Tim; siblings, Alex (Kuan) Feucht and Jean Schwarze; nieces and nephews, Benjamin (Avi) Schwarze, Christopher (Jen) Feucht, Kelly (Tom) Oechsner, Tom (Amber) Schwarze, Laura (Brian Apodaca) Feucht, Eric (Tahra) Feucht, Carol (Craig Weidert) Feucht, and Paul Schwarze; surviving in-laws, Christine Feucht, Pat Barone, Stephen (Irene) Bachhuber, Elizabeth Bachhuber (special friend Christoph), Todd Maitland, Mary (Bill) Watts, and Tom (special friend Eileen Riordan) Bachhuber. Geri is further survived by many cousins, great nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends.    Geri was preceded in death by her parents and brothers, David and Bill, all of whom she missed daily. She was also preceded in death by brothers-in-law, Arthur Schwarze, Stan Barone and Dan Bachhuber.   A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial for Geri will be held on August 3, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville, with Rev. Fr. Edwin Kornath officiating. A visitation will be held at church on August 3, from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 11:00 a.m. Inurnment will take place at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Mayville.   Special thanks to Dr. Eastman and the rest of the staff at Johnson Creek Cancer Center, and everyone at Hospice Home of Hope in Fond du Lac.   Memorials may be directed to the Friends of the Library- Ted & Grace Bachhuber Memorial Library.Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www. Koepsellfh.com


Regina “Joyce” Koffman

Regina “Joyce” Koffman

   Regina “Joyce” Koff­man, lov­ing wife, mother, and grand­mother, passed away peace­fully on July 14, 2024, at the Chris­t­ian Home in Waupun.   Joyce was born in Lovilia, IA, on March 30, 1934, to Wal­ter and Mary (nee Hackathorn) Beary. On March 30, 2024, she cel­e­brated her 90th birth­day sur­rounded by her chil­dren, grand­chil­dren, and great-grand­chil­dren, who were her pride and joy.      Joyce grad­u­ated as vale­dic­to­rian from Lovilia High School in 1952.   She mar­ried the love of her life, Alex Koff­man on Sep­tem­ber 11, 1954. After mar­ry­ing Alex, the cou­ple moved to Ames, IA, where Joyce worked as a dress model in a dress shop while Alex at­tended and grad­u­ated from col­lege. Through a col­lege friend, the cou­ple learned of some farms avail­able in the Eden area; they pur­chased their dairy farm in 1961, mov­ing to Wis­con­sin with their four chil­dren. They con­tin­ued ex­pand­ing their fam­ily for a total of eight chil­dren.   Joyce loved spend­ing time with her fam­ily. Known as the “Blue Zephyr” within the fam­ily for her strong work ethic; she milked cows, tended a large gar­den, sewed cloth­ing, and kept her eight chil­dren healthy and safe.  Joyce loved being “Mut­tie” and raised her fam­ily with God as her guide and joy in her heart. She was a great sound­ing board and was al­ways avail­able for one-on-one con­ver­sa­tions, shar­ing her years of wis­dom and humor. She al­ways said to come down in the morn­ing with a smile, even send­ing kids back up­stairs in the morn­ing and telling them to come down when they could get a smile on their face in­stead of a frown.      While farm­ing, Joyce was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Na­tional Farm­ers Or­ga­ni­za­tion, the Rosary Club at St. Mary’s – Eden, and a 4-H Leader in sewing and foods. For many years, Joyce made both beau­ti­ful wire and string rosaries that she do­nated, in­clud­ing to ac­tive mil­i­tary per­son­nel.      After rais­ing her chil­dren, Joyce went to Moraine Park Tech­ni­cal Col­lege and grad­u­ated on May 27, 1988, with a tech­ni­cal diploma as a Nurs­ing As­sis­tant. She worked at Rolling Mead­ows Nurs­ing Home until the mid-1990s.     Life­long learner, Joyce took classes in cake dec­o­rat­ing, hair cut­ting, ce­ram­ics, jew­elry mak­ing, and com­put­ers.  She al­ways made a point of mak­ing a spe­cial birth­day cake for each of her chil­dren and many of her grand­chil­dren. Joyce made wed­ding cakes for sev­eral area wed­dings and for many of her chil­dren. On Sat­ur­days, Joyce would make pan­cakes for the kids and often make cin­na­mon rolls for Sun­day morn­ings. Great aro­mas al­ways came from her kitchen, such as home­made bread, cook­ies, pies, and tortes. She would al­ways have spe­cial treats for the grand­kids when they came to visit.     After re­tir­ing, Joyce and Alex trav­eled, fly­ing to Ire­land, Rome, Hong Kong, and Puerto Rico. For many years, the cou­ple spent win­ters in Florida and the warmer months in Wis­con­sin.     Joyce leaves be­hind her chil­dren, Michael Koff­man, James (Cyn­thia) Koff­man, William (Barb) Koff­man, Sh­eryl (Michael) Dreikosen, Ed­ward (Jan­ice) Koff­man, Regina (Kathy Smith) Koff­man, Mary Koff­man, and Larry (Heather) Koff­man; her grand­chil­dren, Mi­randa Treiber, An­drew (Katie) Koff­man, An­thony (Jes­sica) Koff­man, Joseph (Lind­sey) Koff­man, Cather­ine (An­drew) Ehlers, Tonya (Bubba) Charne­ski, Lana (Dave) Van Ess, Paul Dreikosen, Alex (Megan) Dreikosen, Erin (Michael) Burke, Luke (Caitlin) Koff­man, Samuel Koff­man, Jacob Koff­man, and Thomas Koff­man; her great-grand­chil­dren, Han­nah, Peter, and Grace Koff­man; Patrick, David, and Ste­fanie Koff­man; Jana, Lena, and Nora Koff­man; Eliz­a­beth and Car­o­line Ehlers; Tyler and Trevor Charne­ski; Oliver and Henry Dreikosen; Alexa Burke; Kar­leia Koff­man; her sis­ter, Helen Williams; and sis­ters-in-law, Mar­i­lyn Koff­man, Georgina Beary, and Betty Beary.     Joyce was pre­ceded in death by her lov­ing hus­band of 65 years, Alex Koff­man and her grand­son, Daniel Treiber. She was also pre­ceded by her broth­ers, Larry (Joan), Wal­ter, and Jerome Beary; sis­ters, Lor­retta (Ernie) Corso and Pauline (Robert) Cla­man; and broth­ers-in-law, Pete Williams, Michael Koff­man, John (Dorothy) Koff­man, Kay (Bill) Myers, Thomas Koff­man, and Paul (Jane) Koff­man.      Spe­cial thanks to Flora and the staff at the Waupun Chris­t­ian Home for their lov­ing care of Joyce and their sup­port to the fam­ily over the last four years.     Vis­i­ta­tion was held Sun­day, July 28, at Twohig Fu­neral Home in Camp­bell­sport from 3 to 6 p.m. with a fam­ily rosary at 5:30 p.m. at the fu­neral home, and on the day of the fu­neral from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the church. A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial was held on July 29, at Shep­herd of the Hills Catholic Church at 11 a.m., with in­ter­ment af­ter­wards at St. Mary’s Ceme­tery in Eden.   Memo­r­ial gifts can be di­rected to the Shep­herd of the Hills choir fund, W1562 County Road B, Eden, WI 53019 (make checks out to “Shep­herd of the Hills” and de­note ‘Choir Fund’ in the memo line).     Twohig Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
15 July 2024


Ronald W. Stange

Ronald W. Stange

March 18th, 1934 – July 13th, 2024   Ronald “Pops” Walter Stange, 90, of Kewaskum, was called to his heavenly home at The Kathy Hospice in West Bend on July 13, 2024, surrounded by his loving family.   He was born on March 18, 1934, at the family homestead to Walter and Anita (Fellenz) Stange. He worked on the family farm and graduated from Kewaskum High School in 1952.   Ron was united in marriage to the love of his life on May 26, 1956, to Bernice “Bernie” Prost and built the family home in Kewaskum, where they raised four daughters.   He was a faithful member of St Lucas Lutheran Church and was employed at Weasler Engineering Inc. in West Bend, retiring after 43 years. While at Weasler, he started a small business for ornamental railings with his partner, Lloyd Derge, which beautified many homes and businesses in the area. He loved playing dart ball for St. Lucas and did so for many years. He coached the Kewaskum girls traveling softball league, enjoyed hunting, fishing, boating, family vacations up north, playing cards, yard work, gardening, and spending time with his family. He delivered meals over the years to several friends in the community through the “Meals on Wheels” organization.   Ron made friends easily and could light up the room just by walking in. He was famous for his one-liners, which always caught you off guard and made you laugh.   Those Ron leaves behind to cherish his memory include his wife of 68 years, Bernie; three daughters, Charlene (Mark Bootz) Zettler, Karen Behling, and Jean Laack; grandchildren, Chad (Rachel) Zettler, Devin (Kelly) Zettler, Jason Stange (special friend Breann), Joshua Behling, Nicole Braun, Samantha (Justin) Reuter, and Zachary (Nada) Laack; six great-grandchildren; one brother-in-law, Lloyd (special friend Darlene) Prost; three step-sisters, Joanne, Katie and Betty; and many other relatives and friends.   He was preceded in death by his mother and father, Anita and Walter Stange; his daughter, Laura Stange, who passed away in 1982; one brother-in-law, Myron Prost; sisters-in-law, Ellen and Carol Prost.   The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff at The Kathy Hospice for their kindness and the incredible care that he received during the last days of his life.   VISITATION: Ron’s family will greet relatives and friends on Saturday, July 20, at 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at St. Lucas Lutheran Church, 1417 Parkview Dr, Kewaskum, WI 53040.   SERVICE: A memorial service in remembrance of Ron will be held immediately following visitation at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lucas Lutheran Church, 1417 Parkview Dr, Kewaskum, WI 53040. Lunch will be served following the service in the school gym across the street from the church.   Memorials in Ron’s name can be directed to one of the following: The Kathy Hospice in West Bend or St Lucas Lutheran Church in Kewaskum.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral Home & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Ron’s arrangements. For additional information or to leave an online condolence on the tribute wall, please visit www.myrhum-patten.
11 July 2024


Usevio “Poncho” Surita

Usevio “Poncho” Surita

   Usevio “Poncho” Surita, 98, of Mayville, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at his daughter's home.   Usevio was born the son of Gaspar and Antonia (Ramirez) Surita on March 5, 1926, in Sabinal, TX.   He was united in marriage to Dolores Juarez on October 18, 1951, in Juneau.   Usevio had retired after 38 years from Mayville Limestone Inc. where he had worked as a supervisor, leaving behind a legacy of hard work and commitment.   He was a longtime member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Woodland, serving his parish on the church council and as a communion server. Usevio enjoyed many hobbies, including working with small engines, gardening, and fishing. He also enjoyed sports, playing pool in the Mayville Wednesday Night Pool League, until he was 95 years old. He enjoyed watching golf, baseball, football, Gunsmoke, Price is Right, Jeopardy, and the WWE.    Usevio enjoyed family time with his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He especially loved watching his grandchildren in sporting events, and visiting with his great-great-grandchildren.   Usevio is survived by his loving and extensive family, a testament to the love and care he shared throughout his life. His children, Alicia Vera of Pleasanton, TX, Beatrice (Virgil) Frank, Jr. of Savannah, TN, Yolanda (Gary Eilbes) Pillsbury of Mayville, Norma (Steve Brillhart) Surita of Tucson, AZ, Bob (Juana) Surita of Milwaukee, Antonio Surita of Oshkosh, Irma Surita of Milwaukee and David (Kathy) Surita of Twin Lakes; his 21 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and 22 great-great-grandchildren. He is further survived by nieces, nephews, relatives, and many friends. All will miss him dearly.   He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Dolores; son, Usevio Surita, Jr.; brothers, Remigio and Felipe; and his sister, Francesca Salinas.   A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Tuesday, July 16, at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Neosho with the Rev. Fr. Justin Lopina presiding. A visitation was held at the Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville on Monday, July 15, from 4 to 7 p.m. and again at the church in Neosho on Monday from 10 to 11 a.m. Interment took place at St. Mary Catholic Cemetery in Woodland.   The family of Usevio would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Aurora at Home Hospice, for the exceptional care and support shown to Usevio and his family during this difficult time.  Your kindness and compassion have been a source of comfort and strength.   Memorials in memory of Usevio may be directed to St. Matthews Parish in Neosho.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
10 July 2024


Darlene Ann Block

Darlene Ann Block

The world lost one of the good ones on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, when Darlene Ann Block made her earthly exit following a hard-fought battle with metastatic breast cancer. She died as she lived, with incredible courage, uncommon strength, deep concern for others, and a sharp sense of humor. Darlene came into the world on August 16, 1956, the fourth of five children - and only daughter - of Henry and Marion (Domann) Schacht. Growing up on a farm near Beechwood, beneath the long shadow of her brothers, she strove for excellence from an early age. An astute student, Darlene earned high marks and even higher praise from her teachers (with the exception of her 8th grade history teacher, Mr. Squier. Failing to appreciate the skill needed to write her final paper backwards - in cursive! – he demanded it be rewritten or fail the class… and 8th grade. Darlene obliged. But her handwritten hijinks continued throughout her life, frequently gracing cards, letters and notes and causing many an amused recipient to reach for a mirror.) Darlene entered Kewaskum High School with a perfect attendance record. She was active in forensics and National Honor Society and played flute in the concert band. A talented athlete, she excelled at track and field, breaking the school record for the softball throw, a title she still holds to this day. (In the interest of transparency, we suppose we should mention that within a few years, the event was discontinued. But we’re relatively confident that, had softball throwing continued, her record would remain unbroken today.) Darlene graduated near the top of her class in 1974. She left for Mid-State Technical College in Marshfield, where she completed the Surgical Technologist program. Darlene began her career as a scrub in the operating room of St. Nicholas Hospital in 1975. During her career there, she would add supervisor of Supply Processing Demand (SPD), Director of Materials Management and Buyer in surgery to her resume. Regardless of her role, Darlene was a tenacious patient advocate and staunch steward of hospital resources. With her keen eye for detail, unwavering integrity, affinity for logistics, and willingness to speak up for others, she earned the respect (and at times, the exasperation) of those who worked alongside her. She would spend more than 45 years at St. Nicholas and built many long-lasting relationships with the doctors, nuns and coworkers with whom she spent her working life. It was there that she met a quiet, recently discharged Navy Corpsman working in the ER following his return stateside. Although Steve and Darlene differed in almost every way, the duo hit it off. Despite a few bumps early in the road of their relationship – including a miserable trip to Yellowstone and a sledding mishap that landed Darlene in the ICU the night of their engagement – they committed to build a life together and became A Couple of Blocks on October 14, 1978. They purchased a large, old house on the outskirts of Sheboygan Falls and began the painstaking process of renovating it. With complementary skills and a willingness to roll up their sleeves, they stripped and stained countless board feet of original woodwork, scraped wallpaper, hung drywall, removed walls, added bedrooms and bathrooms, built an extensive addition, and turned their yard into a gorgeous oasis. Always a fan of surprises, Darlene entombed a time capsule in the walls of each renovated room for future remodelers to discover. Darlene became a mom in 1981, eventually bringing three girls into the world. Despite the pressures that accompanied her leadership role at the hospital, she attended volleyball and basketball games, 4-H meetings, school plays, track meets and band concerts. She chaperoned field trips, wrapped textbooks (often for kids who weren’t her own), coached softball, helped with homework, and crafted thoughtful holiday gifts for the girls’ teachers and bus drivers each year. Innately curious, Darlene was a consummate adventurer who loved to travel and delighted in pulling off successful surprises. The first female usher at St. Paul Lutheran Church, she was also gardening organically, conserving water, and reducing, reusing and recycling decades before “eco-warrior” was a buzzword. Often brought to tears by music, she baked better than she cooked, was an avid Jeopardy! fan, was brave enough to solve sudoku puzzles in pen, and loved a good board game. She enjoyed time with her girls and took the role of Granny quite seriously, creating many memories with her three grandsons. Darlene gave a great deal of herself to the world and the people in it, a legacy that will extend long beyond her 67 years. She will be deeply missed by those who survive her including her husband of 45 years, Steve; her daughters, Abby Block (Ryan Beyer) of the City of Sheboygan, Elizabeth (Ron) Rekowski of Sheboygan Falls and Emily (Andrew) Starosta of Severn, Maryland; and her grandsons Marcus and Carter Rekowski and Jackson Starosta. Darlene also leaves behind four brothers, Henry (Sue), David, Doug (Kristy) and DuWayne Schacht (Patty Seefeldt); a special cousin and almost-sister, Debi McKenna (David) Verhage; a sister-in-law, Kristi Schuchardt (Dale Back) and brother-in-law, David Block (Leesa Melis). She is further survived by her Tío, Fred (Lou Anna) Domann and aunts, Ruth McKenna, Vernell Krueger and Natalie Gruenemann; her Godchildren, Wendy Kinney, Heidi Schacht, Katie Stockwell, Sarah Krueger and Zachary Schuchardt; several nieces and nephews; other family, and a multitude of friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; in-laws, Jerome and Marilyn Block; her Christian sponsors, Harold Krueger and Clara Stange; uncles, Gerald Schacht and Kenneth McKenna; and cousin, Michael Krueger. A funeral service for Darlene, officiated by Pastor Rob Schrader, will be held at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 26, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls. Friends and relatives are invited to visit with the family from 2 p.m. until the time of service. Always concerned for the comfort of others, Darlene requested refreshments be available throughout the visitation and hoped attendees would take the opportunity to connect with others. Following the service, all are encouraged to join the family at Uncle Gunter’s in Downtown Sheboygan Falls to share stories and raise a glass in Darlene’s memory. Private cremation to follow. In lieu of flowers, Darlene requested gifts in her memory to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Operation Smile, Wounded Warriors, or the charity of your choice. The family wishes to express their sincere appreciation to Dr. H. Marshall Matthews and the staff of Matthew’s Oncology Associates for their expert care, deep concern, and sense of humor; to the staff of Sharon S. Richardson Hospice, especially Bre, Jennifer, Amy and Ellen, for the thoughtfulness and attentiveness shown in Darlene’s final days, and to the staff of the Wenig Funeral Home for their patient guidance navigating the journey to her eternal home. Please visit www.wenigfh.com for online condolences. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Timothy 4: 7-9