16 April 2024


Rachelle “Shelly” Valle

Rachelle “Shelly” Valle

   Rachelle (Shelly) Valle, 63, of Brownsville, passed away peace­fully in her home, sur­rounded by fam­ily mem­bers on April 12, 2024.    Shelly was born on No­vem­ber 19, 1960, to Char­lotte (Col­lien) and John "Mighty Fine" Feucht, in Waupun and raised on the farm in Leroy. As the old­est of five, she be­came the rock that we all knew and loved from a very young age. Shelly thrived on being there for every­one in her life; she loved it. A friend to all, she was the lit­eral de­f­i­n­i­tion of some­one who would give you the shirt off her back, or the last $5 to her name.    She taught us all that life was not only about work­ing hard, but more im­por­tantly it was about en­joy­ing the ride along the way. She got mar­ried to the love of her life, Duward John Valle, on No­vem­ber 8, 1980, and gave it her all. They re­mained mar­ried for 43 years, and he was by her side when she took her last breath, al­ways fight­ing for each other.    She lived fiercely, loved deeply, and laughed heartily. De­spite jug­gling mul­ti­ple jobs and school, she found time to lead Girl Scouts, coach sports, and host com­mu­nity block par­ties amongst many other extra ac­tiv­i­ties through­out the years. She never missed a grad­u­a­tion, birth­day, or team event, al­ways stand­ing as a pil­lar of sup­port for those near and far. In times of tragedy, she was the first to help, ral­ly­ing oth­ers to join. She taught us to em­brace life's joys and chal­lenges with equal vigor—danc­ing in the wind and fight­ing when nec­es­sary, al­ways with laugh­ter and ad­ven­ture in her heart.   Her pas­sion for cook­ing drove her to open a restau­rant and meat mar­ket in North­ern Michi­gan, ful­fill­ing a life­long dream. Even when she piv­oted to work for the state, she never aban­doned her culi­nary pur­suits—bak­ing, can­ning, and gar­den­ing tire­lessly. Until her final days, she was a force of na­ture in the kitchen, nour­ish­ing bod­ies and souls alike. But more than her ad­ven­tures and achieve­ments, Shelly cher­ished her re­la­tion­ships—from life­long friends to new ac­quain­tances and every­one in be­tween. To her, it was the peo­ple that made it all mat­ter, and every­one mat­tered!   She achieved what she wanted, and though life threw moun­tains in her way, she was never afraid to sad­dle up and climb them. She loved ex­plor­ing, and you would often find her on a boat, or a kayak, zi­plin­ing, ski­ing, ex­plor­ing ice cav­erns, fish­ing, camp­ing, going on va­ca­tion, walk­ing the beach, going on sling shot with grand­kids, bungee jump­ing, dress­ing up, throw­ing a party, or any­thing that would bring thrill, ad­ven­ture, laughs, and mem­o­ries to last a life­time. Her legacy is marked by the love and laugh­ter she shared, and the un­wa­ver­ing strength she demon­strated as a true war­rior in life.   And a war­rior she was. Since 2017, she had been fight­ing Stage 4 Metasta­tic GIST can­cer. Hav­ing over five surg­eries to re­move tu­mors, and mul­ti­ple more as re­sults of the can­cer, six dif­fer­ent types of drugs, in­clud­ing a clin­i­cal trial drug, she gave it her all; prov­ing to us all just how fierce she truly was. And it was through her bat­tles, that we found in­spi­ra­tion to fight our own, with her last final gift to us being that she went peace­fully with a happy and lov­ing heart, prov­ing to us that faith, love, laugh­ter, and peo­ple truly are what mat­ters in the end.    Shelly is sur­vived by her hus­band, Duward of Brownsville; her mother, Char­lotte; son, Brad of Florida; daugh­ter, Nicole (Justin) Valle-Prenevost, along with their four chil­dren (grand­chil­dren), Hai­ley, Josiah, Ko­r­ben, and No­valee, of Fond du Lac, and though only brief­ly held in her arms, a son, who was never far from her heart; fur­ther, she is sur­vived by three sis­ters, Tina (Kay) Feucht, Patti (Scott) Wells, and Jeni (Den­nis) Oech­sner, and one brother, Fran Feucht; fur­ther she is sur­vived by Tim and Cindy Hill and fam­ily, Dee and Fam­ily, and many more aunts, un­cles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.    Pre­ced­ing Shelly in death was her fa­ther, John "Mighty Fine" Feucht; step-mother, Char­lene Feucht; grand­par­ents, Arnold and Josephine Col­lien and Mar­tin and Helen Feucht; and sis­ter-in-law, Brenda Feucht. Also pre­ced­ing Shelly in death was her great-niece, Rory; and fa­ther-in-law, Al­bert Valle and mother-in-law, Glo­ria Valle; and other fam­ily mem­bers and friends.    Vis­i­ta­tion will be held on Sat­ur­day April, 20, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at St. An­drews Catholic Church in Leroy. A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will fol­low at 1 p.m. with Fa­ther Ed Ko­r­nath pre­sid­ing. Im­me­di­ately fol­low­ing the ser­vice there will be a lun­cheon with cater­ing from the Feed­mill at Kekos­kee Vil­lage Hall, W3275 Co Rd TW, Mayville WI 53050, and all are wel­come to laugh, love, and share in the cel­e­bra­tion of her life.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
12 April 2024


Frederick Ernst Kasten

Frederick Ernst Kasten

   Fred Kasten, 87, of Horicon passed away on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at Marshfield Medical Center in Beaver Dam with his daughters at his side.    Fred was born on May 19, 1936, in Horicon to Carl and Alma (Michael) Kasten.    After graduating from Horicon High School in 1954, Fred served his country in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to 1958, where he was stationed aboard the USS Leyte. Fred tended bar at Fat’s Tavern, his parents’ bar in Horicon. He was then employed with Gardner Manufacturing and later with International Harvester.   Fred was united in marriage with Mary Ann Marlock in 1960, and although their union didn’t last, they had five children together who they adored.   Fred was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Horicon.   Fred enjoyed fishing, hunting, his friends, and family, but most of all loved being a grandpa and great-grandpa.   Fred is survived by his children, Kraig (Kari) Kasten of Beaver Dam, Kevin (Patty) Kasten of Ripon, Kelly Kasten of Waupun, Korey Kasten of Horicon, and Kimberly Kasten of Horicon; seven grandchildren, Kolin Kasten, Kortnee (Chris Neuman) Kasten, Kii (Morgan) Kasten, Kyle Kasten, Kelsey (Jonathon) Lubbers, Katlyn Kasten, and Kristian Kasten; great-grandchildren, Lyla, Graycen, Maisel, and Karoline; sister-in-law, Janet Kasten; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.    He was preceded in death by his parents; his sisters, Lorraine Rohloff, Carol ‘Kate’ Kasten, and Lois Plautz; and his brother, Michael Kasten.    A visitation was held on Wednesday, April 17, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Horicon from 10 a.m. until noon. A Mass of Christian Burial followed at noon with Fr. Justin Lopina officiating. Interment took place at Oak Hill Cemetery in Horicon with military honors conducted.   Koepsell-Murray  Funeral Home is serving the family. Online condolences may be made at www.koepsellfh.com.


Nick Russ, Jr.

Nick Russ, Jr.

   Nick Russ, Jr. age 90, of Theresa passed away peace­fully on Mon­day, April 8, 2024, with his fam­ily by his side at Prairie Ridge As­sisted Liv­ing in Mayville.   Nick was born the son of Niko­laus and There­sia (Schoblocher) Russ, Sr. on Feb­ru­ary 3, 1934, in Chalma, Yu­goslavia.   He was united in mar­riage to Rosi Mueller on July 23, 1955, in Mil­wau­kee.   Nick served his coun­try hon­or­ably in the US Army, serv­ing from 1957 to 1959. Along­side his fam­ily, Nick farmed in the Town­ship of Her­man.   He was a mem­ber of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Theresa. He loved to take care of the land and was great with his hands. Nick loved an­i­mals and was able to sense their needs and took great care of them.   Nick is sur­vived by his wife, Rosi of Mayville; his chil­dren, Steve (Michelle) Russ of Wauwatosa and Linda (David) Trauba of Spring­field, MN; his sis­ters, Helen Schimpf of Dous­man and Kathyrn Mueller of Mayville; his grand­chil­dren, Ar­i­anna Russ, Robert Russ, Eliz­a­beth Russ, Theresa Russ, Nicholas Trauba, and Daniella (Jake) Collins; his great-grand­chil­dren, Cal­lie, Daniel, and Bradley; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.    He wass pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; two daugh­ters and one son in in­fancy; and broth­ers-in-law, Jakob Mueller and Niko­laus Schimpf.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will take place on Mon­day, April 15, at 1 p.m. at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Theresa with the Rev. Fr. Ed Ko­r­nath pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion will be held from 11 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 1 p.m. at the church in Theresa. In­ter­ment will take place at St. Theresa Memo­r­ial Gar­dens in Theresa with mil­i­tary hon­ors con­ducted by the Mayville Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #69.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als in Nick’s honor may be di­rected to the Amer­i­can Can­cer So­ci­ety and St. Theresa Catholic Church.   Spe­cial thanks to the staff of Prairie Ridge in Mayville and Pre­cep­tor Hos­pice for the care and sup­port shown to Nick and his fam­ily.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


Sandra Remmel

Sandra Remmel

Sandra “Sandy” Remmel (nee Ramthun), age 85 years, of Campbellsport, formerly of Kewaskum was called home to be with the Lord on April 9, 2024, at Serenity Villa in Campbellsport surrounded by her loving family. Sandy was born on November 12, 1938, in Fond du Lac to Harvey and Jean Ramthun (nee Kraft). She was united in marriage to Wayne R. Remmel on August 22, 1959, at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Kewaskum. Sandy was a bookkeeper, homemaker, caregiver, and Ladies Auxiliary Member. She enjoyed spending time at the family cottage. Most of all, Sandy liked spending time with family. Those Sandy leaves behind to cherish her memory include her husband of 64 years, Wayne; children, Dale (Lisa) Remmel, John (Sandy) Remmel, Jill (Jeff) Zimdahl, and Debra Remmel; grandchildren, Kayla Remmel, Kristin (Brian) Gettelman, Matthew (Al Block) Remmel, Idarreon Remmel, and Zyondra Remmel; and great-grandchildren, Alexis and Drake Gettelman. She is further survived by her brother, Harvey (Kathie) Ramthun, Jr.; in-laws, Glen (Mary) Remmel, Lynn (Bill) Jacobi, and Lois (Paul) Johnson; as well as nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to her parents, Sandy was preceded in death by her son, James Allen Remmel, and parents-in-law, Ralph and Hazel Remmel. Sandy’s family will greet relatives and friends on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 3 p.m. until 5:45 p.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Parish (W1562 County Rd B – Eden, WI 53019). A Mass of Christian Burial in remembrance of Sandy will take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, at Church with Father Mark Jones officiating. Private family burial will take place at Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery in Kewaskum (Hwy 28 W). In lieu of flowers and gifts, memorials in Sandy's name can be directed to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin (Children's Wisconsin Foundation - MS 3050 PO Box 1997, Milwaukee, WI. 53201). The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff at Serenity Villa and Preceptor Hospice for their care and compassion. Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Sandy’s arrangements. For additional information or to leave an online condolence on the tribute wall, please visit www.myrhum-patten.com.
09 April 2024


Gerald Alois Schill

Gerald Alois Schill

Gerald Alois Schill, 86, of Campbellsport, passed away April 4, 2024, surrounded by his family. He was born in Ashford on November 5, 1937, to Cornelius “Corney” and Rose (Neumeyer) Schill. By the age of 8 he was washing cars, sweeping floors, and surely causing a little mischief at his dad’s Ashford Service Garage. In 1947, the family moved to Campbellsport, bringing the business with them, opening Schill Motor as a Chevrolet and Buick dealership. To the end, Jerry could name off a parts number, and kept his daily tradition of a soda and a candy bar. Jerry served in the Army from 1956 to 1958. Upon returning, he married Mary (Salter) Schill on July 2, 1960. Together they celebrated 56 years and the births of their 5 children. He loved to play cards with their friends, watch their kids and later grandkids play sports, and occasionally enjoy a brandy old fashioned with 3 “tree” cherries. After retiring, Jerry filled his days with the love of gardening. He maintained meticulous flower beds, he planted over 100 flower pots of annuals every year, and found time to pursue his love of wood working. When he was ready to “take the day off” he loved to rummage, finding the “knicky-knacks” he’d spend hours arranging. His love of Christmas probably started in childhood when he would paint the store windows throughout town with beautiful scenes. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary; his parents, Cornelius and Rose Schill; his in-laws, Ray and Valeria Salter; infant brother, Richard; his brother and sister-in-law, Gordon and Georgene Schill; his sister and brother-in-law, Dolores and Donald Sklener; his brother-in-law, Jack Salter; and his sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Sheila and Allan Engel. He is survived by his children, Timothy (Mollie), Thomas (Julie), Theresa (Chris) Lewzader, Todd, Troy (Lottie); his 11 grandchildren, Tyler, Trevor (Melissa), Tate (Bridget), Casey (Eva), Zachary, Wesley (Nathalia), Bryanna, Joshua, Carissa, Ellysa, and Lincoln; 8 great-grandchildren, Tuscan, Tessa, Tia, Hannah, Silas, Esmae, Stetson, and Ophelia; a sister and brother-in-law, Majorie (Donald) Miller; a sister-in-law, Carol Salter; and many nieces and nephews. A Catholic mass will be held at St. Matthews Church in Campbellsport on Friday, April 19, at 4 p.m. A dinner will follow. All are welcome. In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to the Hospice Home of Hope. The family would like to thank the Hospice Home Care providers and the staff of the Hospice Home of Hope. The exceptional loving care you provided to our father will never be forgotten. We would also like to thank the incredible neighbors Jerry had over the years, who shared newspapers, lawn work, and the mandatory Hamms and candy bar. “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” ~ 1 Corinthians 12:4 With Dad and Mom both in Heaven, the family you created would like to thank the Spirit in both of you that has given us the gifts you taught us were important in life. We want to thank you for always being there for us no matter the time or day. We all will be forever grateful and continue the giving of gifts in your legacy. Twohig Funeral Home is serving the family with online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.


Elizabeth ‘Bette’ Wilderman

Elizabeth ‘Bette’ Wilderman

   Eliz­a­beth ‘Bette’ M. Wil­der­man, 85, of Mayville, passed away peace­fully with her fam­ily by her side on Tues­day, April 2, 2024, at Marsh­field Med­ical Cen­ter in Beaver Dam.   Bette was born the daugh­ter of Ozzie and Cather­ine (nee Han­lon) Wirth on March 26, 1939, in Mil­wau­kee. She was a 1957 grad­u­ate of Rufus King High School.   Bette was united in mar­riage to Dean Wil­der­man on Sep­tem­ber 14, 1958, in Mil­wau­kee. They resided and raised three chil­dren in Mayville.   Bette was an avid sewer and made many gifts for fam­ily and friends. She also loved casino trips and play­ing cards in Mayville and Mil­wau­kee with her high school friends. Along­side her hus­band, Dean, they en­joyed many win­ter trips to Ari­zona.   Bette is sur­vived by her chil­dren, Lau­rie (Rick) Kuntz of Juneau, Daniel (Jackie) Wil­der­man of Mayville, and David (Sheri) Wil­der­man of Quin­ney; her grand­chil­dren, Danielle (Eric) Burich, Stephanie (Andy) Adameitz, and Zachary Wil­der­man; her pride and joy great-grand­chil­dren, Sawyer and Ben­nett Burich, and Finnegan and Lucy Eliz­a­beth Adameitz; sis­ters-in-law, Jonell (Rick) Bus­laff and Kay Wil­der­man; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; hus­band, Dean; brother, Robert Wirth; and her in-laws, Ralph and Ade­line Wil­der­man.   Per Bette’s wishes, no for­mal ser­vices will be held.   Spe­cial thanks to the staff of the 3rd floor Marsh­field Med­ical Cen­ter and Dr. Shawn Antle for the care and sup­port shown to Bette and her fam­ily.   Memo­ri­als may be di­rected to Leader Dogs for the Blind.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
08 April 2024


Leo Carl Mueller

Leo Carl Mueller

Leo Carl Mueller, 96, surrounded by his family, was welcomed to his heavenly home on Friday April, 5, 2024, at Serenity Villa in Campbellsport. He was born on April 18, 1927, at home, in the Town of Ashford, Fond du Lac County. He was the son of the late Joseph John and Rose Christina (nee Staehler) Mueller, Sr. Leo was baptized by Reverend Bernard July at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Campbellsport on April 24, 1927. Leo attended Hillside Public School, a one-room schoolhouse near his home, and St. Kilian Catholic School. Leo worked on the family dairy farm, which he later purchased from his parents. He also worked at the Theresa Canning Company and Burns Beef Farm until he retired in 1999. He then moved to the Kewaskum area with his eldest sister, Elizabeth, who had been recently widowed. Leo valued his faith, family, farming, and preserving agricultural land above all. He had an incredible memory. He enjoyed revisiting stories about family and neighbors, and the various types and brands of farm machinery he owned and worked with over the course of his farming life. He was interested in planting crops, trees and the preservation of farm and wooded lands. Leo is survived by his siblings, Harold E. (Kathryn) Mueller of Kewaskum, and sister, Rose E. Guell of Eden; sisters-in-law, Patricia M. Mueller of Kewaskum and Beatrice Mueller of Campbellsport; and 21 nieces and nephews, their families, and other relatives and friends. In addition to his parents, Leo was preceded in death by his siblings, Elizabeth Theusch, Joseph J. Mueller, Jr., Olive Batzler, Rita Spoerl, Lloyd R. Mueller; sister-in-law, Arlene Mueller of Campbellsport; brothers-in-law, Ed Theusch and John Spoerl of Kewaskum, Harry Batzler of Lomira, Gordon “Bob” Guell of Eden; and nephew, John H. Spoerl of West Bend. Mass of Christian Burial for Leo will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at St. Matthew Catholic Church 406 East Main Street – Campbellsport, WI 53010, with Father Neil Zinthefer officiating. Burial at St. Matthew Catholic Cemetery to follow. Leo’s family will greet relatives and friends at Church on Saturday from 10 a.m. until the time of Mass. Leo’s family extends heartfelt gratitude to those who offered loving, supportive care throughout the past, and more recent months. We are especially grateful to the staff at Serenity Villa in Campbellsport, Jan Newell, Comfort Keepers, Washington County Home Meal Delivery volunteers, Parishes of Holy Trinity, Kewaskum, and St. Matthew, Campbellsport, and their volunteers, and Froedtert Kewaskum Clinic and staff, especially Carrie Rothering, NP. Twohig Funeral Home has been entrusted with Leo’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.twohigfunerals.com.


Judy A. Schrauth

Judy A. Schrauth

Judy A. Schrauth, 82, of Campbellsport walked thru the Pearly Gates into the arms of Jesus and Mary on Thursday, April 4, 2024, with her loving family gathered with her. She was born in the Town of Ashford on October 22, 1941, the daughter of Steve and Mary (nee Brath) Rahn. On May 21, 1960, Judy was united in marriage to Raymond A, Schrauth at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Kewaskum. She was a member of St., Matthew’s Catholic Church, and faith was very important to Judy. Judy worked in the banking industry and then at Regal Ware before retiring. Judy and Ray traveled extensively throughout the United Sates in their RV. She loved nature and had beautiful flower gardens. Judy also enjoyed acrylic painting and jigsaw puzzles. Family gatherings were always very special to Judy where you could always find five different sugar options. Those left behind to cherish Judy’s memory include her husband, Ray; children, Bonnie (Dave) Kristan, Don (LuAnn) Schrauth, and Beth (Tim) Pautsch; grandchildren, Abe (Laura) McCarty, Andy (Nikki) McCarty, Jessie (Ryan Gilbert) McCarty, Nick (Emily) Gellings, Jon (Jill) Gellings, Amanda Schrauth, and Heather (John Garrison) Schrauth; great-grandchildren, Nolan, William, Masie, and Matthew McCarty, Ben and Nate Gellings, and Arete and Esker Gellings; sister, Jeanne (Allen) Amerling; sisters-in-law, Margie (Rich) Schmidt and Gloria Kumrow; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Judy was preceded in death by her parents, Steve and Mary; infant brother; in-laws, Pete and Marion Schrauth; and brother-in-law, Ron Kumrow. Visitation for Judy will be Friday, April 12, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, 406 E. Main St., Campbellsport. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, April 12, at 11:30 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church. Rev. Neil Zinthefer will officiate, and burial will be Saturday, April 13. at 9 a.m. in St. Matthews Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials are appreciated to a church of your choice, St. Jude, or your favorite nature conservancy. Twohig Funeral Home, Fond du Lac, is serving the family. Online guestbook and condolences at www.twohigfunerals.com.
05 April 2024


Joseph A. Magyar

Joseph A. Magyar

   Joseph A. Magyar Jr., 97, of Mayville, passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at Crossroads Care Center in Mayville.   Joe was born the son of Joseph Sr. and Elizabeth (Albert) Magyar on May 29, 1926, in Akron, OH.   He was a member of St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville.   Joe was united in marriage to LaVerne Machmueller on October 23, 1948, at St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville.    Joe proudly served his country in the United States Army. He worked for many years at Maysteel and John Deere, where he later retired from. Joe was a skilled welder and used that knowledge to craft beautiful projects out of wood. He was always tinkering in his workshop and proudly created birdhouses, squirrel feeders, toys. Joe could “build it better” and once even crafted a go cart and scooter for his sons, when they were little. Joe was an avid Green Bay Packers Fan.    Joe is survived by his loving wife, LaVerne; sons, AlRay Magyar and Dennis (Nancy) Magyar; grandchildren, Michelle (Brian) Olson, Jenny (Jeff) Jasperson, and Casey (Jay) Patey; great-grandchildren, Molly and Garrett Olson, Reagan and Xander Patey, and Owen and Eila Jasperson. Joe is further survived by other relatives and friends.   Joe was preceded in death by his parents; siblings, John, Catherine, Elizabeth, Julianna, and George.   In honoring the wishes of Joe’s family, a private family gathering will be held at a later time.   The family would like to thank Crossroads Care Center in Mayville, SSM Hospice, St. Agnes Hospital, and Rev. Traci Maass for the care and support they have shown to Joe and his family.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www. Koepsellfh.com
04 April 2024


Harvey O. Klein

Harvey O. Klein

   Har­vey O. Klein, 91, of the Town of Wayne, passed away on April 2, 2024, at Lawlis Fam­ily Hos­pice in Mequon.   Har­vey was born on De­cem­ber 2, 1932, in the Town of Wayne, the son of the late Melvin and Lenora (nee Gunt­ley) Klein.   On Au­gust 2, 1952, he was united in mar­riage to Mil­dred “Mil­lie” Faber in their home­town church, Salem United Church of Christ, in the Town of Wayne. Mil­lie pre­ceded Har­vey in death on Oc­to­ber 6, 2023.   He helped his dad on the farm and helped on the rural milk route, until he went to work at West Bend Com­pany, where he was em­ployed for 45 years, until his re­tire­ment in 1996. He en­joyed fish­ing, gar­den­ing, trav­el­ing, and most of all, cut­ting his lawn.    Those Har­vey leaves be­hind to cher­ish his mem­ory in­clude two chil­dren, James (Jerri) Klein and Cindy Schick­ert; three grand­chil­dren, Je­re­miah Klein, Jacob Klein, and Michael Schick­ert; seven great-grand­chil­dren; a brother, Don­ald Klein; two sis­ters-in-law, Glo­ria Faber and Phyl­lis Faber; nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   In ad­di­tion to his wife and par­ents, Har­vey was pre­ceded in death by a son-in-law, Allen Schick­ert; a grand­daugh­ter, Jen­nifer Schick­ert; his broth­ers-in-law and sis­ters-in-law, Eileen Klein, Rose­mary (Ralph) Giese, Wayne Faber, and Eu­gene Faber; his par­ents-in-law, Wilmer and Net­tie Faber; and a nephew, Rus­sel Faber.   In honor of Har­vey’s wishes, no ser­vices will be held. Bur­ial of his cre­mains will take place at Salem UCC Ceme­tery in Wayne.   The fam­ily would like to thank the Ket­tle Moraine Gar­dens and the hos­pice staff who helped in his mo­ments and these last few months.   The Myrhum – Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Har­vey’s arrange­ments. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and guest­book may be found at www.​myrhum-​patten.​com.