03 December 2021


Nathan “Nate” A. Sommer

Nathan “Nate” A. Sommer

   Nathan “Nate” A. Sommer, 46, of Mayville left this world for new adventures on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021. He was affectionately known to friends and family as "Nato", "Naco", "Natron", "Chunky", and other nicknames.   He was born on January 3, 1975, to Steven Sommer and Debra Regnier (McLallen) in Milwaukee. Nate grew up in Slinger. As a child, Nate was full of energy and at the age of 12, he graduated from Clown College and was a certified clown. He graduated from Slinger High School in 1993.   Being a jack of all trades, he worked at a variety of jobs and enjoyed cooking, camping, survival, Halloween, Jeeps, researching topics of interest, and learning a wide variety of things. He dearly loved being an uncle and especially enjoyed spending time with family. He will be missed by all who knew him.   Those Nate leaves behind to cherish his memory include his parents, Steven Sommer (Kim) and Debra (Louis) Regnier; a sister, Stephanie (Andrew Jackson) Sommer; two brothers, Nicholas (Joy) Sommer and Joshua Sommer; his grandmother, MaryAnn Sommer; five nephews, Alex, Patrick, Jordan, Liam, and Lucas; two nieces, Courtney and Sadie, his companion dog Koa; other relatives and friends.   Nate was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Ronald “Mac” and Jean McLallen, and paternal grandfather, Lloyd Sommer.   A Celebration of Life in remembrance of Nate will be held at a later date.   The Myrhum-Patten Funeral Homes have been entrusted with Nate’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.


Arlene Alma Agnes (Kuehl) Pribnow

Arlene Alma Agnes (Kuehl) Pribnow

   Ar­lene Alma Agnes (Kuehl) Prib­now, 93, was called to her heav­enly home on No­vem­ber 27, 2021, while hold­ing her hus­band’s hand of 73 years and sur­rounded by fam­ily at her home in Mayville.   Ar­lene Alma Agnes Kuehl was born on Sep­tem­ber 16, 1928, the fourth child of George and Ella (Mach­mueller) Kuehl. She be­came a mem­ber of God’s fam­ily through Holy Bap­tism on Oc­to­ber 21, 1928, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mayville and grew in her faith being con­firmed on March 29, 1942.   On Au­gust 28, 1948, she was united in a life­long mar­riage be­fore God and fam­ily at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mayville to Reuben Prib­now.   Ar­lene was a ded­i­cated wife, mother and grand­mother first and fore­most. Ar­lene and Reuben were greatly blessed with a large and lov­ing fam­ily hav­ing eight chil­dren, four boys and four girls. Through their 73 years of mar­riage, their fam­ily con­tin­ued to grow with 22 grand­chil­dren, 48 great-grand­chil­dren and one great-great-grand­child. She trea­sured her fam­ily and em­braced every mo­ment, with them being her great­est bless­ings.   To­gether Ar­lene and Reuben worked on their fam­ily farm until 1977.   In ad­di­tion to car­ing for her grow­ing fam­ily, they en­joyed many trips, camp­ing and fish­ing where they met many life­long friends and cher­ished tak­ing grand­chil­dren along with them. Ar­lene loved spend­ing time mak­ing crafts to gift to fam­ily and friends, to sell at craft fairs and mak­ing gifts for her grand­chil­dren. She en­joyed putting puz­zles to­gether in her free time and play­ing cards with Reuben and their friends.   Since 1949 she was an ac­tive mem­ber of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Lomira, and a proud mem­ber of their Ladies Aid. Ar­lene was well known for her de­li­cious Ger­man potato salad, her home cooked meals and baked goods, and we can’t for­get all the Christ­mas candy, cook­ies, but­ter­horns and choco­late angel food cakes, that were loved and en­joyed by her fam­ily through­out the years. Her cook­ing will be missed, but her mem­ory will live on through the recipes she passed down to her fam­ily.   Ar­lene was grace­ful and strong. She taught us the val­ues of in­tegrity, re­spect and how to live hon­estly and truth­fully. Through her words and ac­tions, she taught us to be givers, to be car­ing and to have a kind heart. Her un­wa­ver­ing faith and the love she had for God, her hus­band and fam­ily is one of the great­est lessons she left.   Ar­lene is sur­vived by her lov­ing hus­band Reuben; their eight chil­dren, Ronald Prib­now, Rod­ney (Dee) Prib­now, Ralph (Donna) Prib­now, An­nette (Ron) Meyer, Ran­dall (Anita) Prib­now, Au­drey (Randy) Greene, Ar­lette (Marv) Lin­dert and Ar­lesse (Dave) Groth; 21 grand­chil­dren, Brian (Danielle) Neitzel, Jeanette (Kris) Roehl, Melissa (Jay) Schroeder, Holly Muench, Heidi (James) Lockerby, Billy Ka­su­b­oski, An­drea (Ernie) Ernest, Rick (Jes­sica) Prib­now, Amy (Heidi) Meyer-Bre­mer, Allen (Tammy) Prib­now, Aaron (Ash­ley) Lin­dert, Andy Ka­su­b­oski, Dale (Mal­lory) Lin­dert, Rob­bie (Jenny) Prib­now, Faye (Jason) Franklin, Amanda Sis­ley, Kim (Je­remy) Moore, Beckie (Erik) Haefs, Megan Mueller, Katie (Alex) Krueger, Kari (Bran­don) Krapfl; 48 great-grand­chil­dren and one great-great-grand­child.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, George and Ella Kuehl; fa­ther-in-law and mother-in-law, Arthur and Viola Prib­now; broth­ers, Clarence (Gertrude) Kuehl and Harold (Phyl­lis) Kuehl; sis­ter, Elvira (Hilbert) Kam­rath; sis­ters-in-law, Amelda (Harold) Zahn and Es­ther (Wal­ter) Zahn; son-in-law, Ken­neth Neitzel; grand­daugh­ter, Rose Prib­now; grand­son-in-law, Phillip Muench.   Fu­neral ser­vices for Ar­lene Prib­now will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Town of Lomira, with Rev. Matthew Kuske of­fi­ci­at­ing on Sun­day, Dec. 5, at 2 p.m. A vis­i­ta­tion will be held at Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville on Sat­ur­day, Dec. 4, from 4 to 7 p.m. and again on Sun­day, Dec. 5, at the church from 12:30 p.m. until the time of the ser­vice. Bur­ial will take place at St. Petri Ceme­tery, Town of Theresa.    The fam­ily has re­quested that memo­ri­als be di­rected to St. Petri Ceme­tery As­so­ci­a­tion and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Build­ing Fund.   Spe­cial thanks to the staff of SSM Hos­pice for the care and sup­port shown to Ar­lene and her fam­ily.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. For on­line con­do­lences and other in­for­ma­tion please visit www.​KoepsellFH.​com


Angeline H. Hanefeld

Angeline H. Hanefeld

   An­ge­line H. Hane­feld, 93, died peace­fully at her home in Bur­nett sur­rounded by her fam­ily on Mon­day, Nov. 29, 2021.   An­ge­line Helen Hane­feld (Braun) was born in the Town of Tren­ton on Sep­tem­ber 20, 1928, to Her­man and Helen (Le­man­ski) Braun. She at­tended St. Stephens Lutheran School and Beaver Dam High School.   On Oc­to­ber 14, 1950, she was mar­ried to Wilton “Bill” Hane­feld. To­gether they had a fam­ily truck­ing busi­ness, Hane­feld Broth­ers, in Bur­nett, Wis­con­sin and St. Paul, Min­nesota and other busi­nesses in Beaver Dam, Wis­con­sin.   She was a mem­ber of St. Stephens Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   She is sur­vived by one son, Don­ald “Chester” Hane­feld; one sis­ter, Char­maine Uherka; one daugh­ter-in-law, Mary Hane­feld; her grand­chil­dren, Brad, Stacey, Nick, Kaylin and Kristin; her great-grand­chil­dren, Hunter C., Emily, Hunter B., Makayla, Dylan, Saman­tha, Mitchell, Sara and Eliz­a­beth; great-great-grand­chil­dren, Ash­lynn, Kylie, Mason, Trip­ton and Hunt­ley, all of whom she loved very much; four sis­ters-in-law, nieces and nephews.   An­ge­line was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her hus­band; son, David, daugh­ter, Cindy and daugh­ter-in-law, Sandy; five broth­ers, Ken­neth, Elden “Sonny”, Ronald, Den­nis, Robert; a sis­ter, Mar­garet, and three nephews.   There will be a memo­r­ial gath­er­ing for An­ge­line at Koepsell Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam on Sun­day, Dec. 5, from 11 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. A memo­r­ial ser­vice will fol­low be­gin­ning at 1 p.m. with Rev. Daniel See­hafer of­fi­ci­at­ing. In­urn­ment will fol­low at Bur­nett Cen­tral Ceme­tery.   The Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam is car­ing for the fam­ily. To leave on­line con­do­lences, or for di­rec­tions and other in­for­ma­tion, please visit our web­site at www.​KoepsellFH.​com.


Kenneth L. Christian

Kenneth L. Christian

   Kenneth L. Christian, 77, of Theresa, passed away on Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021, at SSM Hospital in Fond du Lac.   Ken was born the son of Ewald and Mildred (Schrab) Christian on June 21, 1944, in Beaver Dam.   He was a 1962 graduate of Mayville High School.   Ken was united in marriage to Jill Voss of December 29, 1984, at Immanuel Lutheran Church, (River Church) Town of Theresa.   Ken was known for his work ethic and spent his career working and traveling most of the country for Michels Corporation.   Faith and family were important to Ken and he was a former member of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Town of Theresa and a current member of St. John Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville. He was always quick to put others first.   In his spare time, Ken enjoyed hunting and fishing with his buddy, Gene. He especially loved the time spent with his family and grandchildren.   Ken is survived by his wife, Jill of Theresa; his children, Joshua (special friend Stephanie LaGesse), and Kendall (Thomas) Dombrowski of Amherst; his mother-in-law, Georgianne Voss of Mayville; his granddaughter, Jaiden; step-grandchildren, Ryan, Rachel, and Ethan; his sister, Patricia (Butch) Laabs; his brothers, Dale (Joy) Christian and Scott (Sarah) Christian; sisters-in-law, Bonnie Christian and Cindy Christian; further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.   He was preceded in death by his parents; his brothers, Bruce and Gerald; sister-in-law, Amy; niece, Wendy; nephew, Chad; his father-in-law, Alan Voss; and his canine companion Buddy.   A funeral service for Ken will take place on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 1 p.m. at St. John Ev. Lutheran Church with the Rev. Dr. Mark G. Cutler officiating. Visitation will take place from 11 a.m. until the time of the service at 1 p.m. at the church.   In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the Clearview ‘Remembrance Garden’ or the MS Society Wisconsin Chapter.   Special thanks the community at Clearview Nursing and Rehabilitation in Juneau for the care and support shown to Ken and his family during his time there.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. For online condolences and other information please visit www.KoepsellFH.com


Earl O. Moldenhauer

Earl O. Moldenhauer

   Earl O. Moldenhauer, 88, of Iron Ridge passed away on Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021, at The Kathy Hospice in West Bend.   Earl was born the son of Gilbert and Magdalena (Callies) Moldenhauer on June 23, 1933.   He was united in marriage to Marcelene Lepien on June 11, 1955, at Peace Lutheran Church in Hartford.   Earl spent his life taking care of the land with his family on Gilbert Moldenhauer and Son’s farm which he did up until hours of his death.   Faith was so very important to Earl and he shared the good news of Jesus to everyone he met. He was a lifelong member of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Iron Ridge, where he served his church as a past chairman of the congregation, elder, service group, cemetery board, and sang in the adult choir for over 50 years. Earl’s community in Iron Ridge was also important to him and he served as a fireman on the Iron Ridge Fire Department for over 50 years. He was also active in the Golden Youth in Iron Ridge.   In what little spare time Earl had, he enjoyed bowling, playing softball, and a good game of sheepshead. Earl was a diehard Milwaukee Brewers fan and also an avid Green Bay Packer fan. He also loved to spend time with others and visit. He spent lots of his time visiting shut ins and helped brighten their days.   Earl is survived by his sons, Gary (Jackie) Moldenhauer of Hartford, Rick Moldenhauer of Iron Ridge; his grandchildren, Jesse Moldenhauer, Raymond (Alicia) Koester, Kayla (T.J.) Theumling, Samantha Moldenhauer, Mitchell Moldenhauer, Hailey (Casey) Kenealy, and Macy Moldenhauer; his great-grandchildren, Maya, Sophie, Marcy, and Lilah; his sisters, Darlene Schellpfeffer of Beaver Dam and Karen (Glenn) Eller of West Bend; further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and countless friends.   He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife; son, David; brothers, Glen and Marvin; sisters-in-law, Lois Berger and Carlene Koelsch.   A funeral service for Earl will be held on Saturday, Dec. 4, at 2 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Iron Ridge with the Rev. Larry Mose officiating. Visitation will be held on Saturday, Dec. 4, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the church. Burial will be held at St. Matthew’s Cemetery in Iron Ridge.    Memorials may be directed to St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Restoration Fund in Iron Ridge.   Special thanks to the staff of The Kathy Hospice in West Bend and the third floor nursing staff at Aurora in Hartford for the care and support shown to Earl and his family. Also, special thanks to Pastor Larry Mose for his faith strengthening visits.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. For online condolences and other information please visit www.KoepsellFH.com


Sherry L. Geschke

Sherry L. Geschke

   Sherry L. Geschke (Lewis), 74, of Horicon passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021, at her home in Horicon  Sherry was the daughter of Rex and Bonnie (Bell) Lewis born on November 1, 1947, in Rhinelander.   She was united in marriage to Charles H. Geschke on August 9, 1997, in Juneau. She had worked at Mother’s Day Restaurant in Horicon.    In her spare time, Sherry loved to travel with her children and her sisters.   Sherry is survived by her children, Dani (Dave) Hansen of Beaver Dam, Penny (Shannon) Bamke of Hustisford, and Guy (Tina) Theodozio of Beaver Dam; her eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild; her sisters, Candy (Charles) Bettinger of Rhinelander and Linda (Larry) Terzinske of Rhinelander; further survived by other relatives and friends.   She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Charles; and her sister, Judy.   A private family graveside service is being planned.   Special thanks to Rainbow Hospice for the care and support shown to Sherry and her family.   Koepsell Funeral Homes in Mayville is serving the family. For online condolences and other information please visit www.KoepsellFH.com


Jefferey Muenchow

Jefferey Muenchow

   Jefferey V. Muenchow (AJ), left this earth to enter the gates of heaven on Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021.    Jeff was born on March 10, 1953, in Beaver Dam, the son of Glen and Pearl (Schwartz) Muenchow.   He married Karen Buechel, on February 15, 1975, at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Horicon, where he was a member until his passing.    Jeff was a lifelong resident of Horicon, graduating from Horicon High School in 1971.   He worked at John Deere for 30 years, retiring in 2002. He enjoyed retirement and kept busy by making memories with his family, fishing, hunting, fixing things in Doug Koepsell’s garage, going to classic car shows, catching up with friends at Rock River Tap and helping anyone that needed it. He had a great sense of humor and brought laughter wherever he went. His favorite job in retirement was being Grandpa to his “Little Princesses” Cailyn and Maisie who brought him more joy than he had ever known.   Survivors include his wife, Karen Muenchow; his children, Tina (Chad) Beres of Kewaskum and Alan (Christy Jewell) Muenchow of Brown Deer; two grandchildren, Cailyn (10) and Maisie (8); two brothers, Jim Muenchow and Craig (Amy) Muenchow, both of Horicon; one sister, Gloria (Brad) Ward of Madison; three brothers-in-law, Emil (Esther) Buechel of Iron Ridge, Raymond Buechel of Milwaukee, David (Jill) Buechel of Horicon; four sisters-in-law, Carol Jacobs of FL, Blondie (Jerry) Green of Hartford, Shirley (Al) Krueger of FL, and Phyllis (Ernie) Gerth of Horicon; aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.   Jeff was preceded in death by his parents; and his in-laws, Mamie and John Buechel; and other relatives.   A funeral service for Jeff took place on Saturday, Nov. 27, at noon at St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church in Horicon with the Rev. Daniel Seehafer officiating. A visitation was held Saturday, Nov. 27 from 10 a.m. to noon at the church. Inurnment took place at Oak Hill Cemetery in Horicon.   Memorials may be made to St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville served the family. For online condolences and other information please visit www.KoepsellFH.com
01 December 2021


24 November 2021


Frederick A.E. Boehlke

Frederick A.E. Boehlke

Frederick “Fred” A.E. Boehlke, 79, of Kewaskum, passed away on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at Clement J. Zablocki VAMC in Milwaukee. He was born at home in (Freistadt) Mequon, on December 21, 1941, the son of John H. and Erna C. Bartel Boehlke. He was baptized December 28, 1941, and confirmed in his faith on March 25, 1956, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Mequon. Fred served in the United States Army, from January 29, 1964, to November 2, 1967, serving in the Philippines and Thailand. He married his beloved wife and partner, Arlene A. Kannenberg, on May 10, 1969, at David’s Star Lutheran Church, in Jackson. He was a member of St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, in Mt. Calvary.Fred was the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for Hustisford and Kewaskum School District for 30 years. He was a member of the Wisconsin Society of Ornithology, Cornell Lab of Ornithology and American Legion Post 384 in Kewaskum. Fred enjoyed traveling, birding, attending his grandchildren’s sporting events, and outings with his family and friends.He is survived by his loving wife of 52 years, Arlene Boehlke of Kewaskum; his son, Jonathan (Melisa) Boehlke of Oshkosh; his daughter, Jennifer (Patrick) Bobb of West Bend; his grandchildren: Mackenzie Boehlke, Parker Boehlke and Iterion Boehlke; and his siblings: Neal Boehlke, Leona Lund and Carolyn Abbiehl.He is preceded in death by his parents and his siblings: Raymond Boehlke, Lillian (Donald) Otting, John F. (Virginia) Boehlke, Margaret Groth and Alvin (Barbara) Boehlke.Visitation: Friends called from 1-3 p.m., on Sun - day, November 21, 2021, at St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, W2090 Hwy 23, Mt. Calvary.Service: Funeral Services were held at 3 p.m., on Sunday, November 21, 2021, at St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, with Rev. Robert Oberg officiating. Burial took place at 11 a.m. on Monday, November 22, 2021, at Lutheran Memorial Cemetery in Kewaskum.Memorials in Frederick’s name may be given to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church or School, Mt. Calvary, or Winnebago Lutheran Academy, Fond du Lac.Special thanks to the Doctors, Nurses and Hospice Staff at Clement J. Zablocki VAMC for their care and compassion shown to Frederick and family.Kurki Funeral Chapel & Crematory is serving the family, www.kurkifuneralchapel.com. 920-921-4420.


Jerry Kleinke

Jerry Kleinke

Jerry Kleinke of Port Washington passed away at Lawlis Family Hospice Center in Mequon Thursday morning, November 18, 2021. He was 83 years old. Jerry was born in Fond du Lac on July 7, 1938, son of Wilbur and Marie Oppermann Kleinke. He grew up on the family farm in New Fane and attended local schools, graduating from Kewaskum High School, Class of 1956.On December 13, 1975, Jerry was united in marriage with Jean Schultz at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Port Washington. Together they raised four children. Mr. Kleinke was a machinist at Bolens Mfg., retiring in 2008, and later took on a position at Port Washington High School as a custodian.A faithful member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Port Washington, Jerry had served as an elder, a deacon and an usher. He was a longtime member of the Port Washington-Saukville Jaycees. Jerry enjoyed working outside, playing baseball, shooting darts and playing cards… especially a good game of sheepshead! More recently, he loved spending time with his grandkids. His family will always remember Jerry’s love of sweets and his optimistic outlook on life.Those left to cherish his memory include his wife, Jean; children, Daniel (Michele) Bichler of Random Lake, Cherie (Steve) Ewig of Port Washington, Phil (Lisa) Kleinke of Campbellsport and Scott Kleinke of Jackson. He is further survived by grandchildren, Zach Kleinke, Amanda Bichler, Brad Bichler, Alysia Gibes, Hunter Kleinke and Taylor Kleinke; greatgrand children, Xavier and Scarlet Kleinke; sister, Welda (George) Simousek of Sun City West, AZ; brothers, Jim (Dianne) Kleinke of Hot Springs, AR and John (the late Diane) Kleinke of Fond du Lac; nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.He was preceded in death by his parents. Funeral Services will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 27, at St. John’s Lutheran Church 217 Freeman Drive, Port Washington. Rev. John Klieve will preside. Jerry will be laid to rest at Union Cemetery, Saukville later that afternoon.The family will receive visitors at the church on Saturday from 9 a.m. until services begin at 11:30 a.m.If desired, memorials are suggested in Jerry’s name to St. John’s Lutheran Church Port Washington or the Parkinson’s Foundation.Jerry’s family wishes to thank the Aurora Medical Center and Lawlis Family Hospice Center for the exceptional care they provided to Jerry.Eernisse Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements; online condolences may be left at www.eernissefuneralhome.com.