17 March 2021




Horicon Residents Need  to Get Involved

Horicon Residents Need to Get Involved

| BEHIND THE HEADLINES | Horicon Residents Need to Get Involved MITCHELL BRADLEY KELLER JOURNALIST Anyone who has read this newspaper for the better part of the last three years knows that I tend to harp on the same themes pretty consistently. One of the most frequent ideas I feel compelled to share regularly is this: Your municipality needs you. No matter where you live in our



The Essence of Humanity

The Essence of Humanity

PUBLISHER’S LETTER The Essence of Humanity Dear Reader, I was reminiscing about a story by A.A. Milne, the author of the Winnie-the-Pooh series, about a knight in magnificent armor riding boldly about the countryside. Everywhere he went, he pressed bystanders, way-siders and just about everyone in his path, even to the point of threatening them with bodily harm. This knight spoke and


Classic Cosmos

Classic Cosmos

| MASTER GARDENER | Classic Cosmos CAROL SHIRK CERTIFIED MASTER GARDENER Why do you grow flowers? To attract pollinators and beneficial insects? For the sheer beauty? For cut flowers? To brighten your landscape with lateseason color? To have some flowers for drying? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to add some easy-to-grow annual cosmos to your list of favorite




WDNR’s Prescribed Burns in Local Marshlands to Reduce   Fire Hazards and Improve Vegetation

WDNR’s Prescribed Burns in Local Marshlands to Reduce Fire Hazards and Improve Vegetation

WDNR’s Prescribed Burns in Local Marshlands to Reduce Fire Hazards and Improve Vegetation A prescribed burn as controlled by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). Early spring is an optimal time for these burns, according to the WDNR. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) prescribed burn crews conducted the first prescribed burn of the year on Tuesday, March 2,


Lomira youth selected to represent state at Citizen Washington Focus  Presidential Inauguration

Lomira youth selected to represent state at Citizen Washington Focus Presidential Inauguration

Lomira youth selected to represent state at Citizen Washington Focus Presidential Inauguration Jaye Zingsheim of Lomira was chosen to represent Fond du Lac County at the second Citizenship Washington Focus Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C. Jaye was one of 40 high school youth selected last fall to represent the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension-4-H Youth Development. All