
Washington  County Executive  Appoints Medical  Examiner

Washington County Executive Appoints Medical Examiner

Washington County Executive Appoints Medical Examiner Josh Schoemann, Washington County Executive, officially appointed Washington County Chief Deputy Medical Examiner Debbie Stodola to serve as the Medical Examiner on December 23, 2024, and she began in the new role on January 1, 2025. Stodola has served as the Chief Deputy Medical Examiner since September 2023. Prior to that she worked



Maximize Seed Starting Success  with a Seed Starting Chart

Maximize Seed Starting Success with a Seed Starting Chart

Maximize Seed Starting Success with a Seed Starting Chart MELINDA MYERS CONTRIBUTOR Now is the time when many of us are busy ordering seeds. We often end up with many seeds, some new ones we needed or wanted and perhaps a few duplicates of those we have left from past seasons. It is easy to overlook some of these as the indoor and outdoor planting season begins. Save money by inventorying


Wendy May Muckerheide Announces  Candidacy for Village of Kewaskum Trustee

Wendy May Muckerheide Announces Candidacy for Village of Kewaskum Trustee

Wendy May Muckerheide Announces Candidacy for Village of Kewaskum Trustee Wendy May Muckerheide announced she will be a candidate for the Village of Kewaskum Trustee position. The Spring Election will be held on April 1, 2025. The Village Trustee is responsible for setting policies, managing financing, enacting ordinances, granting licenses, levying taxes, appointing the Administrator, boards








|CAMPBELLSPORT GLANCE BACKWARDS| 5 Years Ago January 16, 2020 Sheila Zook received a plaque of recognition of her 34 years with the Village of Eden as the clerk/treasurer. Zook retired from the position, with her last day being December 31st. Kalista Hodor_ of Eden was named the Outstanding Holstein Girl at the annual Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention. Campbellsport High School Athletic