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Regina “Joyce” Koffman

Regina “Joyce” Koffman Regina “Joyce” Koffman

Regina “Joyce” Koff­man, lov­ing wife, mother, and grand­mother, passed away peace­fully on July 14, 2024, at the Chris­t­ian Home in Waupun.
Joyce was born in Lovilia, IA, on March 30, 1934, to Wal­ter and Mary (nee Hackathorn) Beary. On March 30, 2024, she cel­e­brated her 90th birth­day sur­rounded by her chil­dren, grand­chil­dren, and great-grand­chil­dren, who were her pride and joy.
Joyce grad­u­ated as vale­dic­to­rian from Lovilia High School in 1952.
She mar­ried the love of her life, Alex Koff­man on Sep­tem­ber 11, 1954. After mar­ry­ing Alex, the cou­ple moved to Ames, IA, where Joyce worked as a dress model in a dress shop while Alex at­tended and grad­u­ated from col­lege. Through a col­lege friend, the cou­ple learned of some farms avail­able in the Eden area; they pur­chased their dairy farm in 1961, mov­ing to Wis­con­sin with their four chil­dren. They con­tin­ued ex­pand­ing their fam­ily for a total of eight chil­dren.
Joyce loved spend­ing time with her fam­ily. Known as the “Blue Zephyr” within the fam­ily for her strong work ethic; she milked cows, tended a large gar­den, sewed cloth­ing, and kept her eight chil­dren healthy and safe.  Joyce loved being “Mut­tie” and raised her fam­ily with God as her guide and joy in her heart. She was a great sound­ing board and was al­ways avail­able for one-on-one con­ver­sa­tions, shar­ing her years of wis­dom and humor. She al­ways said to come down in the morn­ing with a smile, even send­ing kids back up­stairs in the morn­ing and telling them to come down when they could get a smile on their face in­stead of a frown.
While farm­ing, Joyce was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Na­tional Farm­ers Or­ga­ni­za­tion, the Rosary Club at St. Mary’s – Eden, and a 4-H Leader in sewing and foods. For many years, Joyce made both beau­ti­ful wire and string rosaries that she do­nated, in­clud­ing to ac­tive mil­i­tary per­son­nel.
After rais­ing her chil­dren, Joyce went to Moraine Park Tech­ni­cal Col­lege and grad­u­ated on May 27, 1988, with a tech­ni­cal diploma as a Nurs­ing As­sis­tant. She worked at Rolling Mead­ows Nurs­ing Home until the mid-1990s.
Life­long learner, Joyce took classes in cake dec­o­rat­ing, hair cut­ting, ce­ram­ics, jew­elry mak­ing, and com­put­ers.  She al­ways made a point of mak­ing a spe­cial birth­day cake for each of her chil­dren and many of her grand­chil­dren. Joyce made wed­ding cakes for sev­eral area wed­dings and for many of her chil­dren. On Sat­ur­days, Joyce would make pan­cakes for the kids and often make cin­na­mon rolls for Sun­day morn­ings. Great aro­mas al­ways came from her kitchen, such as home­made bread, cook­ies, pies, and tortes. She would al­ways have spe­cial treats for the grand­kids when they came to visit.
After re­tir­ing, Joyce and Alex trav­eled, fly­ing to Ire­land, Rome, Hong Kong, and Puerto Rico. For many years, the cou­ple spent win­ters in Florida and the warmer months in Wis­con­sin.
Joyce leaves be­hind her chil­dren, Michael Koff­man, James (Cyn­thia) Koff­man, William (Barb) Koff­man, Sh­eryl (Michael) Dreikosen, Ed­ward (Jan­ice) Koff­man, Regina (Kathy Smith) Koff­man, Mary Koff­man, and Larry (Heather) Koff­man; her grand­chil­dren, Mi­randa Treiber, An­drew (Katie) Koff­man, An­thony (Jes­sica) Koff­man, Joseph (Lind­sey) Koff­man, Cather­ine (An­drew) Ehlers, Tonya (Bubba) Charne­ski, Lana (Dave) Van Ess, Paul Dreikosen, Alex (Megan) Dreikosen, Erin (Michael) Burke, Luke (Caitlin) Koff­man, Samuel Koff­man, Jacob Koff­man, and Thomas Koff­man; her great-grand­chil­dren, Han­nah, Peter, and Grace Koff­man; Patrick, David, and Ste­fanie Koff­man; Jana, Lena, and Nora Koff­man; Eliz­a­beth and Car­o­line Ehlers; Tyler and Trevor Charne­ski; Oliver and Henry Dreikosen; Alexa Burke; Kar­leia Koff­man; her sis­ter, Helen Williams; and sis­ters-in-law, Mar­i­lyn Koff­man, Georgina Beary, and Betty Beary.
Joyce was pre­ceded in death by her lov­ing hus­band of 65 years, Alex Koff­man and her grand­son, Daniel Treiber. She was also pre­ceded by her broth­ers, Larry (Joan), Wal­ter, and Jerome Beary; sis­ters, Lor­retta (Ernie) Corso and Pauline (Robert) Cla­man; and broth­ers-in-law, Pete Williams, Michael Koff­man, John (Dorothy) Koff­man, Kay (Bill) Myers, Thomas Koff­man, and Paul (Jane) Koff­man.
Spe­cial thanks to Flora and the staff at the Waupun Chris­t­ian Home for their lov­ing care of Joyce and their sup­port to the fam­ily over the last four years.
Vis­i­ta­tion was held Sun­day, July 28, at Twohig Fu­neral Home in Camp­bell­sport from 3 to 6 p.m. with a fam­ily rosary at 5:30 p.m. at the fu­neral home, and on the day of the fu­neral from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the church. A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial was held on July 29, at Shep­herd of the Hills Catholic Church at 11 a.m., with in­ter­ment af­ter­wards at St. Mary’s Ceme­tery in Eden.
Memo­r­ial gifts can be di­rected to the Shep­herd of the Hills choir fund, W1562 County Road B, Eden, WI 53019 (make checks out to “Shep­herd of the Hills” and de­note ‘Choir Fund’ in the memo line).
Twohig Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
